5- Making Enemies

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"Are you giving up already?" Penn the Petrifying demands of a short brown-haired girl the next day, on Tuesday.

She's wobbling in the position that we were in, squatting down on our left legs with our right leg stretched out in front of us. We can only balance on the ball of our left foot and the heel of our right one with our hands on our lap, so that we can't use them to balance ourselves at all. "No, sir," She squeaks, but I can see her knee starting to shake under her light weight. She won't last much longer like this.

It is a painful position for my left knee and my right foot, but I'm able to suck it up and keep my balance. We'd been in this position for maybe five or ten minutes so far and I have a feeling he won't be showing us mercy anytime soon. I kind of feel bad for being grateful that he is picking on this poor girl because at least it isn't me this time. I know it's mean to think like that, but I'm relieved.

"Don't fall," He taunts her, crouching down beside her to be eye level with the girl. I don't think he means to taunt her, I think he's just trying to toughen her up, but to everyone including me and probably including that girl, it seems like taunting and it's mean.

"I'm trying not to," She huffs, obviously a little bit annoyed at his persistence.

"What's your name?" He asks her.

"Mary," She sighs quietly. I wouldn't be able to hear her if this room didn't echo so well and I think he scares her too.

"Right, Mary," Penn the Petrifying nods in recollection and then stands up so that he is speaking to the whole room of us. "If Mary here falls, we're cutting into your lunch break for suicides."

There's a collective groan around the room as all eyes are now on Mary, praying silently for her not to fall, although the chances don't look good. My legs are already on fire from running dance move after dance move for the past four hours, I don't know how I'll get through suicides without my legs turning into noodles. Not to mention the fact that I'm starving and I want food.

He doesn't tell us how long we'll have to stay like this before he'll give us mercy, but by the evil glint in his eyes, I'll predict that it's not over until Mary is on her butt and my legs are noodles. Suddenly, I flash back to the blonde that I saw sitting next to Penn yesterday in the food court at lunch. Right now, she's in the D Building with the other class. I wonder if she's nice to them and we got stuck with the spawn of Satan because life hates us. I hope she's as ruthless as Penn though, because I want them to suffer too. I know that's another mean thought, but I can't help but wish it.

We go two more minutes in silence before Mary lets out a small squeal and her left leg gives out as she topples over onto her side.

Penn the Petrifying grins in malice with his arms crossed against his chest and walks towards the secret door that he comes in and out of. "You have a five minute break while I set up for suicides."

Everyone in the room suddenly falls onto their rear ends and then shoots that poor girl a mean glare. I don't though, because I feel bad for her for being put in that situation. I know that if it was me, I probably would have soiled my newly purchased sweat pants. I'd gone shopping yesterday after lunch with Stella and Mason, so I had almost a completely new wardrobe and sensible sneakers now.

"He is terrible," Stella groans in a whisper, crouching down to get her water.

I grab mine too and untwist the tin cap, since my bottle was a tin one, and chug a few gulps of the ice cold water, letting it replenish my burning throat. I really want food. I don't blame Mary for making me wait for lunch, I blame Penn the Petrifying for being so... petrifying.

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