41- Jealous Girlfriends

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The day after I went to dinner with my family, I plan on meeting up with Stella and Mason for a mall trip or just watching movies all day or maybe practicing our dance because Penn will probably still be spending all of his time with Ana before he has to go back to work tomorrow with students. I don't mind it because after dinner, we spent some time together after he got back from his day with his family and that was nice. I'll probably see him tomorrow and I'll definitely see him on Tuesday since we have our mandatory three hour practice thing with him then.

It's Sunday now though, so I'm just going to spend the day with my friends. Well, that is until Stella texts me and tells me that she's going to go hang out with Andrew. I'm happy for her for getting a boyfriend that isn't Drew- he was nice but his morals are corrupt and they advocated Stella's corruption and that's not okay- and so I can just hang out with Mason.

I meet Mason, Brian, and Liam in the game room and of course, Brian and Liam are playing some video game and Mason is just sitting there looking incredibly bored.

"Sienna!" She cheers when she sees me walk in. "Thank goodness that you're here, they are so boring."

"This is not a boring game," Brian defends but he doesn't take his eyes off of the game.

"It is for me," Liam pipes. "Because I always win."

I laugh and so does Mason but Brian doesn't find that as funny as we do. "Somebody's a sore loser," I tease Brian, sitting down in one of the bean bag chairs and Mason sits in the one beside mine.

"Can we do something else now?" Mason asks as Liam wins the game against Brian. "Let's watch a movie or something now since the game is over."

"Watch a movie somewhere else," Gianna snaps as she stomps into the room with Ava on her heels. "We need this room."

"Well, that's disgusting," Mason mumbles.

"The game room is open to everybody so we don't have to leave," Liam informs them with an irritated eye roll.

"He's right," Mason nods. "And we were here first so you two can just skedaddle."

"That's cute," Gianna laughs. It's actually been a while since I've seen Gianna because we never really cross paths all that much anymore now that classes have ended and there's a lot of tension in the air about the final competition. Everybody is really focused on their routine for the competition so we don't really notice each other even when we do run into each other. "We have shit to do and I'm not in the mood to deal with you little brats. Get out."

"I'm thinking we should watch 21 Jump Street," I pipe, totally unfazed by Gianna and her attempt at instigating a fight or something.  It's pathetic of her, I think, because it's pretty obvious that our time for fighting is over. I mean, I still hate her guts and everything, but I am just tired of fighting with her. It's just so much easier to ignore her altogether instead of having to come up with witty comebacks and being alert all of the time.

"Guys," Louis pops in the door of the game room, using a reprimanding tone. "I don't feel like breaking up a fight, okay? Some of you leave, some of you go. Just figure it out using your nice words. It'd be really awkward telling Penn that I gave his girlfriend a detention."

"You are such a pathetic little ass-kisser," Gianna hisses at me with an angry glare. I think she thinks that it looks intimidating but she's very wrong. I'm surprised that she hasn't figured out yet that she doesn't intimidate me in the slightest.

"Those aren't nice words," Louis sighs.

"Hey, I didn't say them," I defend, standing from the bean bag chair and Mason does the same. "We'll go, Louis, just because I know that you're actually too lazy to want to do any actual work."

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