Skirts & Baseball Caps

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                                                                             Sherine's POV.

'Can't believe we get to spend a month home' Matt squealed as I nuzzled my head into Brian's neck. I kept quiet, hoping Brian would offer that I could stay with him. We didn't live in the same state and the thought of him gallivanting all over California with a bunch of random hookups made me nauseous. He was awake, but kept silent. I could feel the tension building up, my palms sweating at the thought of ruining our casual dating arrangement with five silly words. Can.I.Stay.With.You. My mouth went dry, yet I couldn't keep myself from speaking my thoughts out loud.

'Guess we will take separate planes then as I live in New Jersey' I mumbled. The minute I had said the words, I immediately regretted them. I was doing it all wrong. I should have just said that I wanted to spend the month with him. After minutes of silence, I could tell he was trying to come up with an answer that would satisfy both of us.

'Or...or you could stay with Matt'. Say what? Oh sure cause I'm sleeping with Matt ...not - that makes total sense. This guy was unbelievable. Close enough for a booty call but  far away enough to not cause any drama. 'Matt, you ok with Sher staying at yours for the month?'

'Yeah, no biggie'.

Yeah that it was no biggie was obvious. It wasn't a big deal to anyone, not to Matt (and to be frank, why should it? Wasn't his fault his friend was a jerk) and certainly not to Brian that we had something a little more than a fling going on. #epicfail

Huntington Beach (hours later)

'Alright, hope you enjoy your stay' Brian said formally as he patted my back in a brotherly manner before carrying my suitcase into Matt's house.

I looked after him at a loss for words. Matt and him were having a heated conversation, probably about me and I could not have felt less welcomed. I was tempted to just rent a Motel for the month since going home wasn't really an option either with opinionated parents who were just waiting for me to fail in life.

'See ya later' Brian chirped, attempting a high-five, but I left him high and dry like he had done so many times.

'Wanna come in?' Matt scratched his head, looking slightly overwhelmed by the situation.

The house was lovely, very cozy and not a bachelor pad like expected. Matt must have caught me admiring his place when he chimed in 'Queenie, my ex decorated the place before we called it quits. Really need to redecorate it. So not my style. Maybe you could do it' he proposed with a smile.

Matt was a nice guy, but also Brian's friend so the idea of me redecorating his place might have not been entirely based on the fact that he was a genuine guy, but to keep me occupied when Brian was having fun. I nodded with a fake smile and checked out my room. Maybe this month wouldn't be so bad after all.

I was settling in fine, getting comfortable on the bed, checking emails on my laptop when I heard a soft knock on the door.

'I ordered tons of Chinese and got a bottle of cheap-ass wine somewhere in the basement if you care to join' Matt called through the door, making me smile.

'Be there in a sec' I replied, feeling a bit excited. When I thought about Matt, I thought of a nice, fun guy with good looks who seemed like the perfect distraction from Brian.

'I'm sorry about Brian' Matt said unexpectedly after we had finished our food and were drunk on the second bottle of very cheap, too sweet wine. 'He really likes you' he slurred, patting the space next to him. I inched closer, drinking the rest of the wine straight from the bottle. The wine made me emotional, tears were welling up in my eyes. I felt ashamed and weak, but Matt pulled me into a hug. 'If I were him, I would want to be with you' his hot breath brushed my ear. My heartbeat was quickening and I knew what was about to happen was wrong... or was it? Brian wasn't my boyfriend and if he could chase every skirt in Huntington Beach, I could chase every baseball cap.

I slowly pulled away, facing him, our faces barely apart. He wiped a tear from the corner of my eye before gently pressing his lips on mine. His cool lip-ring made me shiver as I deepened the kiss. It felt good, it felt exciting and like a damn good payback.

'I know you like him' he mumbled against my lips. 'It's ok if this is just for fun' Matt said assuringly and I smiled as I leaned in for another hot kiss.

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