The polygamy gene

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                                                 Chapter Three.

Sherine was in a foul mood the next morning. The guys were still asleep, of course, given the action they had gotten last night. Unfortunately, the walls of their hotel were paper-thin, letting through all the moaning and screaming that went down during the night. She had tried everything – from putting a pillow over her head to putting in her earphones and sleeping in the bathtub, but nothing had managed to drown out their disturbingly loud noises. They had to hit the road in an hour and she knew she had to wake them or they would miss the next show and she couldn’t let that happen. Sherine hated to be the bad guy by constantly watching and lecturing them, but Adam would kill her if she messed up. After quickly getting ready and putting on a pair of tight white denim jeans, along with a grey deep V-neck and a pair of slip-on vans, she walked down the corridor, loudly knocking on the guys’ doors. She waited for an answer, but no one opened. She rolled her eyes in annoyance and banged against Brian’s door.

‘Jesus fucking Christ, piss off’ he yelled, a loud thud making Sherine jump. He apparently had thrown something against it.

Great and I haven’t even had coffee yet, she thought grimly, trying Zacky’s door.

After a while, a tired Zacky with messy purple hair, opened the door, the bags under his eyes clearly visible.

‘You gotta get ready; we have to hit the road in forty minutes’ she half-smiled, taking a peek at his half-naked conquest on his bed.

‘Will do’ he mumbled and closed the door again. Meanwhile, Jimmy, Matt and Johnny had emerged from their rooms, yawning and stretching giving her a weak smile, promising her to get ready. She was impatiently tapping her foot, waiting for Brian to get out of his room. Her eyes grew big when she heard a couple of moans coming from his room.

He’s not serious, she thought disbelievingly, banging against his door once more. The moaning quiet down and the door opened, a petite blonde barely covered, snottily telling Sherine to get lost.

‘Brian’s busy’ she purred.

‘If you don’t get your fucking ass out here right now’ Sherine yelled, not bothered by the blonde, pushing the door open to find Brian almost naked in an awkward position on the bed.

‘You’re a crazy woman’ he sighed, shaking his head.

'Get ready or the guys are going to play the show without  you’ she said with a shrug, leaving his room. She packed her suitcase, carrying it downstairs to get on the bus. Matt, Jimmy and Johnny were already checking-out, Brian nowhere in sight. Sherine wasn’t in the mood to put up with his antics and decided to get comfortable in her bunk.

‘Gosh, that girl from last night was so clingy. She said I should call her’ Matt said with an eye-roll, making Sherine snort. They were unbelievable, but then again they were living up to their rockstar reputation.

‘I wanna keep mine. She was fucking crazy- in a good way’ Jimmy whined and the guys laughed. When their driver let on the engine, the rest of the tech-guys got on the bus, along with Brian who looked like he needed a nap.

‘Glad you could join us’ Sherine said sarcastically, making Brian grunt. The bus ride was quiet for the most part as all of them tried to get some rest before the show tonight. Sherine had almost fallen asleep, when suddenly someone’s phone started buzzing uncontrollably. She was on the verge of throwing the cell phone under the bus. ‘Would turn that thing off?’ she said crankily, knowing it was Brian’s.

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