New York City

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Chapter 10:New York City

Taten Rosenfield


Two days ago..

Serenity yelled at me,I flinched at her harsh words,but spat words back at her.

After arguing,she stormed up the stairs and I tried to grab her shirt,to let her let me explain,but I was too late.She went into our room and closed the door.

“Shit.”I muttered.

I tried to open the door,but it was locked so I settled with banging on it.

I heard her talking to someone on her phone and continued banging,but she didn’t answer.

Suddenly,I thought of the spoon trick and rummaged around our kitchen drawer,struggling to find one.

But by the time I was able to open the door with the spoon,she was gone.The desk chair that I managed to push out of the way lied on the floor behind our open bedroom door and I looked around.

“Where could she be?”My conscious asked me as my eyes scanned every inch of this room.

My eyes came to a stop on a metal heart lying on the bed.

Her necklace.I thought.

She left and left without her necklace.

But she was wearing it she took it off?

My heart hurt.No pun intended since I was holding a heart stating-you get it.

But how did she escape?

I checked the bathroom and all of the windows except for the balcony.

“No..”I told myself slowly walking towards the balcony.

I pushed the door to the side and to my relief,did not see a limp body.

“Where are you Serenity Ann Renolds?!”I yelled in frustration and leaned on the balcony.

“What the?”I saw a blanket,and another and another,many of them tied together.

“Like a rope..”I scratched my chin,”’ve gotta be kidding.”

She made a rope and climbed down…that smart…twit.


I literally paced our room until coming to the conclusion that she went home and that’s when I started to pack.

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