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This one is about Mark's surgery, kinda short and sweet.
I was there the night Mark had his heart attack. I called the ambulance and watched as my best friend was driven to the hospital.

I begged the medics to let me ride in the back with him, but they wouldn't let me. I didn't drink, so I drove to the hospital.

    He was shocked, to say the least. I mean, one more drink and he could've have died.

"Y/N, I'm alright," he weakly said.

"Mark, but-" he stopped me.

"Really, I'll be fine. I already talked to the doctor and he said that the chances are good."

  I nodded, still feeling unsure. I decided to wait for him in his room until he was out of surgery. 

    He sat in there for 4 hours. They put him under anesthesia, the goofball was out like a light. When it was over, they wheeled him back to his room.

"The surgery went excellent, though he needs lots of rest. He should be up any moment..." the doctor informed me.

    I sat in the chair near his bed, tapping my foot, impatiently.

I knew he was awake when I heard him groaning.

"Hey, Y/N. How did it go?" he groaned.

   I smile lightly. "It went great. How you feeling?"

"Feels like I got hit by a train." He giggled weakly.

"You should get some rest, ya dork!"

   "Hey, thanks." he says.

"For what?" I ask.

  "For being here, it means a lot. You're my best friend Y/N."


MarkiplierXReader ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz