Panic Attack

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It was the words that crawled under skin. The ones that made you feel weak, the ones that hurt, the ones that made you want to cry. Mark told you to ignore the hate comments, but the negativity worked its way towards you.

You knew about the comments people were leaving on your Twitter. You'd block them but somehow were still receiving them. He was too busy with recording when it happened, you didn't want to bother him.

    You sat on your bed, staring at the wall.


The words kept flowing. They ate away at the little self esteem you had left and turned it into dust. You couldn't look at yourself in the mirror, wouldn't leave the house.

   "Babe, are you okay?" Mark's voice woke up from the silence. You didn't realize he had even entered the room.

You nodded weakly. Your eyes were red and puffy from crying and your hair was a mess. You turned your head, embarrassed. He sat next to you and wrapped you into his arms. He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him.

"What's wrong Y/N?" he said softly and wiped your eyes. You tried to stutter out an response but it felt like you were suffocating. You were gasping, desperately trying to get air back into your lungs.

"Hey! Hey, look at me. Breathe baby breathe. Everything's gonna be alright. I'm here Y/N...." he cooed, gently patting your back.

    You focused on his voice, drowning out the hateful voices in your head. Slowly, you slowly calm down, though you were shaking still. You finally had the strength and courage to tell him what's wrong.

   "M-Mark.... The c-comments. I know you said to ignore them... B-but..." you trailed off.

"Babe, I love you so fucking much and I couldn't give a damn about those hateful comments. They are not true! You're beautiful, whenever I need someone to cheer me up, you're right there by my side. I love your laugh and the way smile, it brightens my day. When I see you cry it breaks my heart. I'll always be here for you, you mean the world to me.... I love you."

You could tell he meant every single word.

   "I love you too," you smile weakly.

"Now let's go eat some ice cream and watch (favorite movie)," he giggled.


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