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Might be a multiple part series....

    Mark and I have always been best friends since we were kids. Until middle school. He had always been that nerdy kid that got good grades and went to the library, but I was too. 6th grade I found out that he was moving away to Los Angeles.

   "Promise me we'll stay best friends!" I made him promise.

   "Pinky promise!!" he smiled, hugging me.

And was the last time I saw him. In the beginning we texted everyday. But then it was once a week, and soon all together it stopped. I guess he forgot about me....

    I'm now a Senior in Highschool. Still the typical nerdy chick and hanging out in the library.

  "Y/N! Did you hear about the new kid yet?" my friend Aubrey asks.

   I look up from my book and shake my head.

"He's a total hottie!" she flutters her eyelashes. "He has your first period​... Lucky."

"Whatever..." I say heading to my first period.

I look around but I don't see anyone I don't recognize. Everyone takes their seats as the bell rings. Mr. Peters stands in front of the classroom.

"Class we have a new student today. Would you like to introduce yourself?" he says to someone out in the hallway.

   A guy with red floofy hair and a bunch of piercings walks in wearing all black and a beanie.

   Wait.... That face. It... It can't be....

"Hey, I'm Mark."

Continued in part 2

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