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Erin's Pov
We woke up to the smoke detectors going off so we grab our suitcases and phones and Lucas and Ryder grab Carter and Colton. We run outside and my mom does a head count to find everyone outside. The house looks bad and the fire Department gets here and we get checked out by the paramedics. They said we were good and than we headed to a hotal and got five rooms. Getting in the rooms we all fall asleep.
Later in the morning
Erin's Pov
My mom got us up because we are heading to New Zealand today. Its 4:12 in the morning. We fly out of the US at 6:45 but you have to get to the airport two hours before because of security. Heading to the airport with two babies is not fun at all. We get there and wait and after two hours our gate gets called.
On the plane to New Zealand was loud because of the twins.
After we land the other gang comes and we head to their house. After back to back meeting we head to the house. Lucas and Ryder put the twins to bed. Tomorrow we are going out to see New Zealand. We are in New Zealand for four days than the UK for two days. My parents are looking for  a new house beacuse of the fire and we have to get new everything but pictures because we didnt put any pictures in the house. My mom called me and said that we are going to be two poeple in five rooms, three poeple in one room and four poeple in one room and they got the house.
The next day
We go out with the other gang and they show us New Zealand. We had lunch at some place with really good food. The twins fell asleep when we were eating. After lunch we head around New Zealand looking for any other gang. The gang we are with are the only gang in New Zealand so they go around looking for any other gang. Lucas took the twins back to the gang house. We get back to the gang house around one in the morning. My gang heads to bed and we all fall asleep.

The picture is of the house

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