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Strands of my hair let loose
Fortunately, veiling these misty eyes,
A trembling heart somewhat askewed
Upon hearing his choked sighs.

Struggling under a wimpy charade
He held me in a hushed embrace,
Yet, gusts of wind painstakingly traced
The hollowed gaps of his solace.

Tears trickled down my pale cheeks
A weakness until now, I've barely shown,
Obliviously entrapped we remain,
And still are, each to our very own.

Suppressing an incoming shiver
I held him back, tighter than I should,
Clinging on to this fragile warmth
Despite the impending solitude.

Standing amidst the aching coldness
Or the creeping numbness, beyond all,
He tucked in my loosened hair strands
And brushed away each tearfall.

Uttering a soft whisper, I barely even heard
"Perhaps all we need is time and space,"
Finally, meeting his knowing gaze
I faintly let go of our fleeting embrace.

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