Love and Alka-Seltzer

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Sitting on a chipped seat
Inside a dim lit room,
Her face blankly stares
At the sight of an alka-seltzer;
Sinking in a half-filled glass
On a wobbly table,


Its deafening sound
Filling the void
Crawling up the torn walls,
Seeking the broken windows
And through the chasm,


The half-filled glass
Stays oblivious
To the acrid taste
Lingering to the last drop,
She drinks;
To fill the growing void
Bridge the chasm,
Ease the longing ache
And savor the taste
Of her dilapidated heart,

As it ebbs away.

The wooden floors creak
As she gradually slips away,
While the empty glass
Sits on the worn out table

Day by day.

On scraps of moth-eaten paper
In waning ink,
A few leftover words
In my world before you,
Love had a name-


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