Chapter 4

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    I rolled my eyes as I pulled on my turning shoes. Lukas was arguing with Aiden over whether he should enter the competition with me. "Lukas, she'd ruin our reputation!" he hissed. Lukas glared back at him. "Aiden, give her a chance. You haven't even seen her dance yet," he said. I sighed as I leaned against the wall of the empty dance studio, wondering why I'm even doing this.

    The two boys eventually stopped fighting and turned their attention to me. "Well" Aiden said with an annoyed expression. "Well what?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. "Show us how well you can dance!" he said, throwing his arms up in exasperation. "Oh," I said, standing up and walking over to the two boys.

    "Can I find a song?" I asked. Aiden shoved his phone towards me. I took it and found a song that I thought would make a good lyrical dance. I slowly made my way to the middle of the studio and gestured to Lukas to start the song.


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    When I finished my dance, I looked to Aiden and Lukas to see their reaction. Aiden was leaning against the mirror that took up the front of the studio, while Lukas was nodding his head, a grin on his face. He turned to Aiden and elbowed him in the ribs. "Told you she'd be good," he said. Aiden shrugged, bringing his arms down.

    "Fine. But if you're going to be hanging out with us, you've got to drop the loser status. I'm not having you bring down our reputation," he said. Lukas grinned at me. "With talent like that, it shouldn't be very hard," he said. I stayed silent as the two boys discussed the situation.

    I honestly had no idea whether I was actually good or not, considering I'd never compared myself to any other dancers before. The two boys eventually stopped talking. Aiden left the studio grumbling something about a family dinner, leaving me and Lukas alone.

    I sat down against the wall while Lukas sat down beside me, taking a sip from his water bottle. "Hey, Jesse?" he asked. "Yeah?" I asked. He hesitated before responding. "If you don't mind me asking... how come I've never seen your parents? I mean, they never came during career day in middle school, and I've never seen you with them," he said. I looked down before reluctantly replying.

    "My dad is in the military. He's been in Iraq for a few years now. And my mom... well, she just hates me," I said. He scrunched his face up. "No she doesn't," he said. I scowled. "Yeah, she does," I said. "Why?" he asked. I sighed.

    "I was born with a twin named James. She only wanted one child and since I came out second, she thought of me as the mistake. The child who shouldn't be there. She'd always favored James, but when we were nine he passed away from cancer. She was really upset about it. She thought that it should've been me. That I should've been the one to go. She never really liked me, but ever since James passed away, she's hated me," I finished. Lukas was silent after that, obviously made uncomfortable by the tension.

    After a few seconds I stood back up. "One more thing," I said. "What?" he asked. "My mom doesn't know I can dance. And she'd probably make me stop doing it if she found out. She can't know about this. She's usually gone somewhere, anyways, but just... make sure she doesn't find out," I say.

    He nodded before looking at the shoes beside the handbag that held all my dance gear. "Then how'd you get enough money for those? Pointe shoes are really expensive," he said. I looked over at my pointe shoes, which were extremely worn down from the two years I'd had them. They'd also grown uncomfortable since my feet had grown, but I couldn't afford to buy a new pair. "Trust me it wasn't easy. I've had them for two years because I can't afford to buy a new pair," I chuckled. He chuckled along with me and rubbed the back of his neck before standing up beside me.

    "Anyways, we should go. It's getting pretty late. My parents are going to wonder where I've been. I promise to make sure they keep quiet about this as well," he said. I nodded and gave him a small smile, tossing my shoes into my bag. "Thanks, Lukas," I said. He grinned at me. "No problem."

Hope you guys like it :D

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