For The First Time

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Dexter's POV:

Sparrow shot out into the distance the second he saw the headmaster. Hunter was down at the ground clutching onto his waist, his face was expressed in pain.

As soon as Headmaster Grimm reached the center of the crowd, he called for an ambulance. Everyone kept quiet and still he was carried away to the nurse care room in the boy's wing.

I insisted the headmaster that I should go with him. But he said no and it wasn't necessary at all. So I stood in one place with Hopper as Chase and Darling came up to us to ask what went on.

" Hunter...he got shot..." Hopper answered, but he was stiff as a board. He was scared.

" So he's the one that had gotten shot by Sparrow?" Darling raised her eyebrow. Chase clenched his fist.

   " Yeah..." I said, my chest tightened even tighter. I turned around to see my brother and Apple running towards us.

" I can't believe what just happened...this is so not the fairest." Apple frowned.

" We have to do something about this. Sparrow cannot get away from this!" Chase exclaimed, but only us could hear. Everyone was gone. The only ones left were us, janitors, and officers who were talking to Headmaster Grimm.

" I'd say we fight!" Darling shouted. I kept quiet. They probably already figured out the reason why Hunter got shot, but what if they didn't? I didn't know what to say or what to do?

A while later, I strolled all the way to my dorm. I slammed the door behind me and slid myself down. I sat on the wooden ground against the door burying my head inside my propped up legs.

A flash zapped through my closed vision. I saw a knife being gripped by a hand. Before the knife, I saw a figure bending down hitting another figure. The hand slammed the knife against the figure as the vision started to close up.

    I shot my head out as the lightning stung my eyes, even though I wore glasses. I took off the spectacles and rubbed my eyes as a reaction of the blinding light. I stood up with the help of the doorknob. I trudged to my bed as I pondered about the events that had happened today. Too many.

I heard the announcements say that school was cancelled for the rest of the day. A few hours later, the night creeped in Ever After and I went towards the boy's nurse wing to see Hunter.

   I reached the entrance of the boy's wing of our school's hospital. I reached the front desk as I asked for the room number Hunter was in.

   The nurse told me that I should wait for a few hours or come the next day because Hunter was still in surgery and it would take him a while to get him back up again.

   So I left the hospital and I decided that I would go tomorrow. I also decided to do the right thing. But it would require a lot of guts.

   I knocked on the front door of a doom room from the girl's wing of the dormitory when I reached there. I could feel rocks tumble through my throat and down my esophagus.

Maybe I should write a letter-no, she has to know and now.

   I heard the door creaked open and a familiar strawberry-blonde figure behind it.

   " Oh, Dexter." Ashlynn said as she opened the door widely.

   " Hey Ashlynn." I greeted as sighed deeply.

   " Is it true?" she widened her eyes, almost about to pour tears. I shook my head gently. " Why?"

   " It's all my fault...I should have at least tried to defend myself...and him." I couldn't focus my vision on her, it urged to turn away, but I didn't dare.

" isn't your fault...neither is Hunter's. I didn't know how much of a small world this is." I sighed one more time.

   " Look, I was told that's he's going to be free tomorrow, how about we visit him together?" I asked.

   " I think that I'm going by myself. No offense, but, I just feel that it should be him and myself only." Ashlynn explained.

   " None taken, I understand." I held onto the rim of the doorway as I looked down.

   " And careful out there." Ashlynn advised. " I don't want you to end him."

   I simply nodded as I headed out releasing my hand from the rim of the door. Ashlynn closed the door behind me. Soon I could hear some faded cries in the distance.

   And in the first time in ever, I cried for someone, someone close.

Chase's POV:

   I walked hand and hand with my gal Darling. We were both heading towards my dorm room. Not doing that.

   The two of us were quiet, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of our footsteps. They clapped against the hard marble floor of the boy's wing of the dormitory.

   As I chucked out our keys ready to open the door for what felt like the millionth time, someone called out our names.

   " Chase! Darling!" I turned around to see Daring racing towards us. I didn't place on my angry face, I was too somber to even make an expression. Somberness had taken over me.

   " Daring? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Apple?" Darling asked. I stayed quiet, I didn't want to cause trouble...again.

   " I need to talk to Chase first." Daring replied. He looked at me with a calm and mature face. No anger, no detest, no hate. I was, instead of annoyed, dumbfounded.

   " Me?" I asked in disbelief. Why me?

   " Chase," he placed his hand on his shoulder and looked into my eyes. For the first time. My heart raced. What did this mean? " I need to tell you something."

   " Come here." he motioned like a father. I was too saddened to be impressed. We walked over to a small corner. I looked back to see Darling.

   And for the first time in ever, I saw that Darling smiled because she knew that Daring was going to talk to me. Not to threaten me.

Hey everybody! I am extremely sorry that it took a long time to update this chapter! I truly am. It's just that I was busy with school and I kinda had some writer's block. Sorry! Also, it's because this chapter is one of the emotional chapters in my opinion, so I had to tear up my heart a little. :'( See ya!

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