No, I don't Want Too!

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After Ice Cream you got walked home because well, your house was only a few minuets away.

When you walked inside you saw not only your mom, but your father too (at least you hoped he was).

You sighed thinking: 'This'll be a nightmare.'

You sat on the couch across from them. "What's up?" You asked. Your father sighed and then said: "I'm sorry sweetie, but that show game shakers, your gonna have to quit." You were shocked. "What why? Why should you have say, your missing in my life, you don't care about me. Everyone, on that set are my friends and quite frankly the closest thing i've ever had family. So if you wanna go on another business trip while I continue to grow up alone. Fine go ahead, you'll just do it anyway, like you always do." You said as you fought tears.

You turned around to see Thomas in the doorway with your jacket, he had watched the whole thing unfold. You grabbed your jacket and ran upstairs. You fell onto your bed. But not before closing the door.

The door peaked open, it was Thomas. "What do you want?" You mumbled loud enough for him to hear. "Hey, I'm sorry." He said apologetic as he sat next to you. "It doesn't matter." You hit him with a pillow.

"Sorry, it's just that my dad's always away on dumb business trips all the time. Then after I get a job he just barges into my life and tries to take the closest thing I've ever had to family from me. He can't just barge into my life and suddenly have control of me. Your about 12 years too late." You ranted yet he listened.

"When did this start?" He asked. "Well my second birthday, he never showed up yet he would always say he would show up the next year, but he never did, he kept saying he would come back but I guess he didn't care enough too ever live up too that." You said, defeated.

"Hey Thomas, don't tell anyone, not yet anyway." You told him. But somehow, you smiled. He gave you a hug, left and you smiled. You just lay in your bed and eventually fall asleep.

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