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"So," Nico said, "since we're going to be spending at least a year seeing each other I think I should clear the air."

Percy's smile wavered. "What do you mean?"

"For a long time," Nico said, "I had a crush on you. I just wanted you to know."

Percy looked at Nico. Then at Annabeth, as if to check of he'd heard correctly. Then back at Nico. "You-"

"Yeah." Nico said, "You're a great person. But I'm over that. I'm happy for you guys."

"You... So you mean-"


Annabeths grey eyes started to sparkle. She gave Nico a sideways smile.

"Wait," Percy said. "So you mean-"

"Right," Nico said again. "But it's cool. We're cool. I mean, I see now... you're cute but your not my type."

"I'm not your type... wait so-"

"See you around Percy," Nico said. "Annabeth."

She raised her hand for a high five.

Nico obliged. Then he walked back across the green to where Will Solace was waiting.

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