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 Nicos POV

I woke up in the late hours of the afternoon. My second day at the infirmary was coming to and end. Finally.

Will must have woken up before me as the chair he fell asleep in was empty.

I could just hear his voice through the walls of my room, checking up on other patients.

I rolled over. Even though I had spent more than half my time in the infirmary asleep I was still tired.

"Nico!" Will called.

So much for going back to sleep.

"Is there anything you want or need?" Will asked.

"I want you to go away so I can go back to sleep." I told him.

"Too much sleep is bad for you Death Breath."

"No way."

"Yes way." Will replied. "You're staying awake for at least 4 more hours."

"But I need sleep." I retorted.

"Dude I know. I can literally feel it radiating off of you. But just stay up for a while. Please."

"I shadow travelled half way across the whole freaking world with a giant statue and you won't even let me sleep?"

"I dont doubt you still need more sleep Nico, but in your state if you don't stay awake for a few hours you will literally fade into shadows."

"And how do you know what I need Mr I Know Everything?"

"Im a son of Apollo. I can sense this stuff."

"Just go away before I stab you."

"You don't have your sword."

"Don't doubt my ability to find something else to stab you with."

"I wasn't dude. Im going to get you some dinner and I expect you to eat it."

While Will was gone I was thinking about unicorns and rainbows.


I was wondering why the son of Apollo had to be so painfully stubborn.

Speaking of the devil, he walked in right as I was forming an escape plan.

"Eat up Death Boy."

"Stop with the nicknames Sunshine."

"Hypocrite." I heard Will whisper underneath his breath. "Eat up before I spoon feed you again."

I felt the blood rising to my cheeks when Will mentioned the spoon feeding incident. but I quickly made sure the blood rush stopped. A son of Hades definitely does not blush.

"I can feed myself Will." I said as I started chopping up the steak that Will had brought in.

"Yeah whatever I'm going to check up with other people who actually need to be here."

"Hey! you're the one who 'doctors orders' me. do you really think want to be here?"

"Ok, yeah, whatever you say then Sunshine."

"Don't call me Sunshine! thats my nickname for you."

"Fine then you little ray of darkness."

"Oi dont-"

"Call me if you need something." Will said as he started to leave the room. "And don't fall asleep. I'll know of you do." he added.

I knew that I needed something to occupy myself with. Staring at the walls for hours on end would not end well for an ADHD demigod like me.

Although I still felt a little dizzy when I stood up I made my way over to the bedside table which was inconveniently not next to my bed.

As I expected there were a few books that would definitely be classed as 'well loved'. The pages were yellowing and the covers were faded and falling off on some books. There were some loose pages from books laying in the drawer as well.

I don't usually judge a book by its cover but when the cover of a book says 'Little Women' and has a picture of girls wearing fluffy pink and purple dresses with bows in their hair I can't say that I feel intrigued.

Unluckily for me all of the books had titles and covers like 'Little Women'. I went pack to my bed without any books.

I considered shadow travelling over to the hades cabin to get some of my personal favourite books but I knew that Will and the other Apollo kids would be able to sense me shadow travelling so I decided against the idea.

My phone was on the bedside table that contained the books but I was too old to really understand how technology really worked and I couldn't really care to learn how to use it properly. Plus the bedside table seemed really far away now that I was back and comfortable in my bed.

I decided that a movie would be the best thing to keep me awake at the moment. I understood how TVs and stuff worked but phones and laptops were too complicated for me.

'Will!" I yelled out. I was way too lazy to walk across the room to see the selection of moves even though the room that I was staying in was quite small.

"Whats wrong Nico!" Will explained as he came running into the room, puffing a little bit.

"Oh nothing." I said and he looked at me in confusion. "I just want to watch a movie."

"I ran here so that you could tell me you want to watch a movie? Cant you just pick one yourself?"

"I could but then why are you here?"

"Um, to look after patients."

"Anyway, what movies are there?"

"Theres Cinderella and Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs and oh! Inside out I love that film!"

"Any movies that aren't about a princess that can talk to animals?"

"Inside out is not about a princess who talks to animals thank you very much. It is a well planned-"

"I don't care about that stupid film. Any, lets say, horror movies?"

Will muttered things that sounded suspiciously like "inside out is a wondrous film" and "you uneducated warthog" while he searched through the small selection of movies.

"Looks like were fresh out of horror movies, or anything rated above PG for that fact. However Inside-"

"I refuse to watch inside out."

"You know what Mr I Hate Anything Happy, I'm going to make you watch Inside Out. Right now."

Will started playing the film and I couldn't help but think how wrong he was about the statement saying that I hated everything happy.

Because I had realised that I was falling for Will Solace, the happiest person I know.

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