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Nicos POV

I woke up in the infirmary. Great. The clock above my bed read 7:30 am. Why on earth was I awake at this ungodly hour?

"Sleeping beauty's finally awake." Will said with sarcasm woven into his words.


"Well anyway I still need to have a look at those werewolf marks on your back." Will said going into doctor mode.

I was going to disagree with him but I figured: 1: he was going to make me do it even if I said no say I may a well do it sooner than later and

2: if I didn't let him look at the scratches he would just make me stay in the infirmary for longer.

"A little privacy maybe?" I asked Will.

"Uh sure." He said, stepping out of the room to allow me to take off the stupid Hawaiian shirt I was still wearing.

"Are you decent?" Will asked, popping his head in the door before I could answer.

"Too bad if I wasn't."

"Holy schist Nico!" Will yelled.

"Scream a little louder." I told him. "I don't think they heard you in China."

"I knew that they were bad but I didn't know they were this bad!"

I looked in a mirror and saw that the cuts were actually quite bad if I could say so myself. They were red, inflamed and pus filled.

"I didn't know they were that bad either Sunny Boy. Here's something you might want to think about: there's not much time to check yourself out when you're travelling halfway across the freaking world carrying a giant freaking statue."

"I wasn't- I didn't - Gods Di Angelo just let me help you."

He ran out of the room and came back into seconds later carrying heaps of medical supplies.

I turned around so that my back was facing the son of Apollo.

"This is going to sting but it should help the infection." He told me.

I braced myself but then thought how bad could it be?

It was painful.

It felt like I had been thrown into the phlegethon for a swim.

Once the burning had died down, Will explained that he would have to stitch up some of the bigger gashes left but the claws of those stupid wolves.

Having my back stitched up was a really weird feeling. It was painful, but it felt good if you know what I mean.

Will addressed a few other small wounds I had gotten from the quest while I ate a chocolate chip muffin. I tried to tell Will that I wasn't hungry but that stubborn son of Apollo wouldn't take no for an answer.

I could literally see Will becoming more and more weary as he continued to use his healing powers on me. The bags under his eyes became very prominent and his blinking became slow.

"Hey Will, take a break. You've been working non stop since the war. You really need it." I told him.

He was so caught up in trying to stay awake that he didn't hear me.

"Will!" I said loudly. He still didn't pay any attention.

I had to clap in his face for a solid 2 minutes before he noticed.

"You should have a break Will. You've been working non stop for days. You need it." I repeated.

He didn't seem to understand what I was saying so I ended up just pushing him into the chair beside my bed.

"Rest." I told him.

By the time I was back to my bed which was less than 30 seconds later the taller boy was already sleeping, his breathing heavy and even.

I decided to take a page out of his book and went to sleep myself even though I had woken up no more than 3 hours ago.

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