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Nicos POV

I woke up to someone point my face repeatedly and saying "Nico!" Over and over again.

"What do you want?" I said angrily. If there was one thing I hated, it was being woken up.

"I want you to wake up so I can give you the all clear." The person who had poked me said. Naturally it had been Will.

"Five minutes more?" I asked. "Please?"

"Haha nope." Will told me. "Dinners in 10 minutes and I would actually like to have dinner with the campers."

"Just make it quick ok? I want to go back to my cabin to sleep."

"Not gonna happen Di Angelo."

"Try and stop me."

"I will."

"No you won't."

"I totally would Death Breath."

"I doubt it Sunshine."

Will and I both noticed someone coughing at the same time. This wasn't an unusual thing to hear when you were inside the infirmary but the difference was that this cough was coming from inside my room.

We turned around and came face to face with Kayla, Wills half sister who was the best hear at Camp. Beside Will of course.

"Can you guys stop flirting with each other so that we can get to dinner on time?" She said with her hands on her hips.

"We- we weren't-" Will stuttered.

"I wasn't-" I tried to explain but words were failing me as a blush rose up and onto my face.

"Stage one is denial." She muttered under her breath and at that statement my face was blushing more that I could ever remember.

"Anyway," Kayla continued, "The dinner bell went off while you guys were bickering so well need Nico to come back after dinner to filled out the paperwork and all that Jazz."

"Do I have to?" I asked. There was pretty much nothing worse that arriving to dinner late. Everyone stares at you like you just murdered someone.

"Yep." Will and Kayla both said at the same time.

"Are you joking?" I questioned.

"Nope." They both said at the same time again. They then high fived each other because of their in-sync talking.

"We should probably get going then." I said. I felt dizzy when I stood up.

"Woah buddy." Kayla said grabbing one of my arms to help support me while me head was spinning.

I felt Will grab onto my other arm. I was sick of all the touching already.

"I'm fine guys." I told them. They exchanged looks to each other that clearly read 'what a liar'. After seeing them make that look towards each other I added, "Really guys, I'm honestly fine."

So to prove my point I wriggled free from their grasps and started walking.

I honestly couldn't tell which way I was going and I just hoped that it was in the right direction.

"Yeah you're obviously 100% fine Nico." Will said. I could hear the smile on his face through his words.

"I told you." I told the Son of Apollo matter-of-factly.

"Yeah which is why you're walking towards a solid wall." Will said as he grabbed my arm to help support me again.

"I was just checking to see if you were paying attention." I told him which was quite far from that truth.

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