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Nicos POV

It was my last day in the infirmary and I could help but feel a little bit miserable about leaving the infirmary. Although I would tell anyone who asked that I hated it, I was starting to enjoy spending time with a particular son of Apollo.

"Ok your heart looks like its working heaps better. I just need to look at those werewolf scratches again."

"Are you kidding me?" I asked. Even though I had acknowledged my thoughts and feeling towards Will Solace I would still no way in the House of Hades start acting nice towards him.


I begrudgingly took my shirt off when he threatened to make me stay in the infirmary for longer. Even though I wouldn't really complain if I had to spent more time here, I wouldn't let Will know that.

"They're looking heaps better than before but I'll still need you to come back here in a few days so that I can reapply the bandages."

My face stretched into a smile which was an uncommon thing for me to do. It felt foreign. I was glad that I was facing away from Will. He would have never let me live down the fact that I had smiled when he asked me to come back to the infirmary in a few days.

I changed my face back into the usual scowl before Will would be able to notice.

"I guess you're going to make me come back whether I like it or not?"


"So when can I leave?" I asked.

"In a couple of hours."

"Ugh." I complained. Even though I enjoyed spending time with Will, when he was checking up with other patients, the infirmary was extremely deathly boring.

"I can put Inside Out back on if you want?"

"No thanks Will."

"Nico is using his manners! What is this? Who are you and what have you done with my Nico?"

I couldn't help but notice that Will had called me his Nico. I brushed it off. I was his patient and nothing else. He would probably never talk to me again after I was let out of the infirmary.

"Don't try to tell me you didn't enjoy the greatest film of all time." Will said kind of threateningly.

"I won't tell you that then." I told Will as put my short back on and turned around the face the son of Apollo.

"I can't help but feel personally offended at that statement Death Breath."

I ignored the nickname and continued to talk about the animated film to Will.

I couldn't help but admire the way his eyes lit up when he spoke about something he cared about was kinda cute. Even though that something was an animated film that was generally watched by children under the ages of 10.

"Since you have so greatly offended me Nico Di Angelo I feel obliged to watch the movie again with you, so that I can point out the brilliantness of the plot, character, setting and pretty much everything else in the movie."

"Dont you have people you have to check up on and stuff?"

"Nothing that cant wait 1 hour and 42 minutes."

I couldn't help if giggle on the inside because Will knew the exact length of the movie, down to the minute.

I knew that there was no way I would be able to convince the awfully stubborn boy beside of anything other than what he had suggested to me once he had made up his mind.

"You're not going to make no for an answer are you?"

"You know me so well don't you Death Breath."

"I'd say yes, Sunshine." I said putting emphasis on the nickname to try and annoy the boy. He didn't notice. He was awfully stubborn and deaf it seemed.

Will got up and put the movie back into the DVD player and started it running again. He then came back over to me and sat on the edge of my bed. I had just assumed that he was going to sit on the chair beside my bed but hey, this kid was full of surprises.

I shuffled over so that he could properly sit on the bed beside me. Even though we were at least 4 inches away from each other I couldn't help but notice how close he was next to me.

Will made statements about who the actors were, how ingenious the plot was and other things that I couldn't comprehend.

I started to feel drowsy around the part when Sadness and Joy met Bing Bong.

I fell asleep to the sound of Inside Out and Will making the occasional comment about the film.

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