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I act like i'm fine but that's just me hiding the pain

as the tears roll down my cheeks 

when i'm alone

i let everything loose

i scream, shout, cry, and wonder why..

wonder why me

you wont ever love me

you wont ever notice me

i'm just invisible

i wont ever be noticed

i wonder why

why me

I hope it'll be me one day

that you say i love you to

but when will that be

when it happens

ill wonder why 

why me

i'm just the shy girl 

i'm the girl always hiding in the background

waiting to be noticed

will i ever get noticed

if it ever happens

ill wonder why

why me

you never noticed me before

but you do now


why now 

why not then

when i was all alone 

i wonder why 

why me 

why do i always have to be the loner

the one no one likes

the one that's always there but invisible to you

the one that just wishes she would speak up

only speak up one time 

then go back to being the shy girl

the invisible girl

hopefully one day i'll break out of my shell

when i do 

ill wonder why

why me 

why now

why not back then 

when i needed to

but i'll always just be me

that's all i ever wanted to be anyways

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