Serious Topic

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*This is also posted under my random thoughts book so if you've read it before it was there*

Well i just wanna say thank you to music becuase of music i am still here today. To all the singers, bands, or musicicans out there Thank You because i can guarentee most of you have saved at least one person's life by perfroming. I know that earlier this year i was really depressed and it was getting really bad, but music was there for me in a way a person coudnt be, because no one can truely understand what you are going through unless they have been thorugh something really similar to what you went through, or even the same thing, but music just makes a connection and can help you through the rough times. So if you are going through a rough time don't turn to hurting yourself, or others, turn to music because it truely does help. Music truely undestands you better then other people do sometiems because anything you are going through, there is a song out there about it. Also if you are going through something try to listen to diffrent singers or bands that you may have hated before, because mayeb they are what you need to hear. I know i was strongly hated a lot of the bands that are posted on my profile but then i went through a stage of depression and started listening to them and i started to like them and they have truely helped me. I know that you might be strongly against a band and are determined to neevr listen to them, that's how i used to be, but don't judge a book by it's cover give them a chance because it might just be what you need. For example: i used to hate the Black Veil Brides with a passion i hated every single thing about them but then i got depressed and found their song Saviour and that song changed my whole outlook on them and now i am in love with them. That song is one of the songs that saved me it changed me. I know when i go back to school i'll probably get picked on because i like them, along with a lot of other bands, but honestly who cares you have to stand up for what you believe in and just always remember that it's your opinion that matters not everyone elses. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself, because me not standing up for myself started my depression, so please don't be afraid to stand up for yourselves because their will be people trying to push you down along the way but just rememeber to Never Give In. Just rememebr that after you get out of school you never have to see these people again if you don't want to. So i hope this helped some people, but this wasn't meant for me to go into all this, but to just thank music for being there for me so much. So Thank You and to anybody i possibly helped by writing this just rememebr to Never Give In! 

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