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He looks at me with those violet eyes and prays that i'll be ok

He sits there and stares waiting for the news

He thinks back to all the times we had together

He stares off into space and wishes it was him instead of me

He doesn't know that it's to late 

He doesn't know that i'm gone for good

He thinks that everything will be ok

He gets mad at himself for putting me in this situation

He hopes that i'll make it 

He doesn't know that i haven't 

He then sees the doctor coming with the news

He hears the news and breaks down

He starts saying that it can't be true 

He thinks it's a prank i'm playing on him

He thinks that i'm gonna pop up at anytime and say Gotcha

He doesn't think that it's real

He doesn't want to give-up

He wants to believe that i'm still there

He then storms out once he realizes the truth 

He then goes home and realizes that he can't live without me

He prays and tell's god to forgive him for what he's about to do

He then tells me to please wait for him

He writes a note explaining that he can't live without me then he's gone

He loved me with all his might

He should of stayed 

He should of got over me

He should have kept going

He shouldn't have given up

He should still be living

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