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You were there for me when no one else was

You were there for me in my worst hours

You told me i could make it 

You told me i could do it

You believed in me when i didn't

You believed that i could get better

I though i was a lost cause

I thought that things would never get better

I was about to just give-up completely, but then you showed up

You showed me that i wasn't alone

You showed me what i had to live for

You showed me how much you cared for me

You showed me that i would get over it and get better

You helped me so much 

You helped me find myself again

You helped me live

For doing this for me i am internally grateful

For doing this you saved me from my self time and time again 

Thank you for being there

Thank you for believing in me when i didn't 

Thank you for helping me

Thank you for just being you  

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