almost summer again

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It's almost summer again

it's almost time for graduation again

we've been talking about that when we graduate it will be a sad time

and that's true

we will all be going out seperate ways

some of us will be leaving our town 

while some of us will go out of state

and even some of us will even go out of the country

we will no longer be at the same school

we will no longer be in the same town/state/country

we will be going to to acheive bigger and better things

but we always will be known as the class of ................

even when some of us moved here in middle school

or when some of us just changed schools 

we grew-up together 

some of us fell in love

some of us have gotten engaged

some of us has joined the military

some of us has found themselves

some of us has found true friends

some of us has realized what we wanna be

some of us has just put up with all of this so they can get out of this town after graduation

but we will always remember back to these times

to the times when we thought we were never gonna grow-up

to when we thought we would never graduate

but we did it

we're here now

we will always be known as the class of .............

and as the senoirs this year graduate

tears will be shed

goodbyes will be painful 

and some of us will lose our other half

some of us will lose our best friends

but even though we aren't graduating with them this year

we will always have one thing in common

that we all grew-up together 

and we all had some of the best times together

so that when we graduate we can remeber back to this year

and think how it was when they gradutated

and we will always be known as the class of ..........

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