My Secrets

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1. my name is lauren

2. i don't have one true best friend

3. i don't know what i did to make everyone not like me

4. never had my first kiss

5. never been on a date

6. one bf and he cheated on me the 2nd day we started dating

7. i was bullied really bad in elementary school

8. i used to cry a lot and not wanna go to school

9. only reason i go now is so i can get into a good college and leave this city and never really come back

10. i fear that i will never leave this town...

11. that i will never find my soulmate

12. truth is i feel that nobody will ever like me for me

13. i'm never myself 

14. only time i feel like i can be myself is when i'm home alone

15. i feel like nobody will except me for me

16. truth is i like to have fun, love all types of music, i'm loud, ambitious, and i love dogs. 

17. Will anybody ever love me for me?

18. i have a strange fear of losing everyone i ever cared about

19. i'm scared about getting emotionally attached to someone in case they ever leave me

20. i hope i can get over that one day

21. i sometimes feel like i'm ugly and that no one loves me but i know my family does

22. i just hope that one day someone will call me beautiful everyday, say i love you to me, and be my one and only love

23. i just hope that day comes soon

24. because i'm scared that it wont ever happen

25. :/

26. Will it ever happen to me?

27.  Honestly who knows but whatever happens happens i guess

28. I hope one day it will 

29. until then i'll keep on going until i get my one true happy ending like everyone hopes for

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