February 22nd

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You were supposed to be here February 22nd

but you didn't make it those nine months

you barley made it two

your mom's pregnant again

she's due any day now

she's having a boy

i just wish you were here

i still remember the day she told us she was pregnant with you

and then i remember the phone call

and it said that she had had a miscarriage

i wish you woud've made it

but i know that there was some reason that you didn't

i know there was some reason that you weren't supposed to be born

but it still hurts

it still makes me sad when i think about it

i can say that you will never be forgoten

i will always remember

because you would've been my couisn 

and i know that i would have loved you

and know that i love you now

but i know there was some reason that you weren't born

but we miss you

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