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Started: 11/04/2017 21:51
Finished: 12/04/2017 20:42
Completed: 12/04/2017 20:59

This chapter is dedicated to @mikihamp17 for being so kind :) tysm

"Stiles? What's wrong?" Derek asked.

Stiles sighed as he watched the wisps fade.


"It's nothing. I just saw something that reminded me of the Oni." Stiles replied quietly.

"The Oni? What was it?"

"Just a bit of black smoke. That's it. Nothing to panic over." Stiles lied. He felt as if the feeling that was consuming him revolved around the black wisps fading in front of him.

"Why don't you come back?" Derek asked, worry evident in his voice, even over the phone.

"Yeah. Ok. I'm coming back." Stiles mumbled a moment later.

He hung up and started making his way back to the house.

Most of the way, he felt like he was being followed and was constantly checking over his shoulder, spotting black wisps lingering behind him.

Derek was waiting for him against the frame of the front door.

The first thing he did was wrap his arms around Derek and bury his face in his neck.

Derek wrapped his arms around Stiles, holding him close.

"I, uh, I'm gonna go home." Stiles mumbled after a little while, pulling away from Derek enough to see his face.

Derek hesitated a moment before nodding.

"You can come back whenever." Stiles added as he made his way to his car.

"I'll be back in around an hour!" Derek called as Stiles closed the door.

"You know, you kinda remind me of a married couple." Erica stated as she joined Derek on the porch.


"Who are you and what do you want?" Stiles asked when he stepped into the loft and saw a tall man watching him from where he was sat on the edge of the desk.

"Hello, Stiles. I'm Yako, but feel free to call me friend." The man got up and started making his way towards Stiles.

Stiles took a step backwards, preparing to run back down the stairs and to his car.

When he turned, Yako was suddenly in front of him, surrounded by black wisps- like the Oni.

"Uh, uh, uh. We can't have you leaving, can we?"

Within seconds, Stiles was tied to a chair, in the middle of the loft, facing the door.

"What do you want?" Stiles asked quietly, knowing that Yako was the impending doom.

"A friend." Yako shrugged, sitting on the back of the sofa.

Stiles thought for a moment. "You think you'll get me to be your friend by tying me to a chair in my own home?"

"Well, you see... You and I have a lot more in common than you would've thought."

"How so?"


Derek pushed open the loft door.

His nose was immediately assaulted by the smell he'd suspected, but stronger than he'd ever smelt it. Stronger than when his family was burning in their own house, stronger than when any of his pack members had nearly died.

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