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752 46 25

Started: 03/05/2017 23:06
Finished: 04/05/2017 20:37
Completed: 04/05/2017 21:10

Last chapter guys :(

The end was so great to write

I've already started work on the next one, which I'll reveal later, but I'm sure you'll be able to guess it after reading this

I'm sorry to say it's shorter than the rest by about 700 words, but I struggled to think of what they could do, so I think this chapter may be a little boring :(

Sorry :/

Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to @LauraHugens for voting and commenting :) tysm

PS - May The Fourth Be With You XD

Derek tried to silently climb into the bed beside Stiles at one in the morning, but he seemed to forget Stiles was a werewolf, too, and could hear the painfully loud squeaks coming from the floorboards.

"Derk?" Stiles whispered groggily, not even opening his eyes.

"Hey." Derek whispered back.

"Where were you?"

"Talking to Cora in the farmhouse."

"Hm." Stiles sounded unimpressed, even in his mostly-asleep state. "I'll let it slip as long as you come here." He opened his arms.

Derek gladly shuffled into Stiles' arms, wrapping his around the younger man's waist.

Stiles wrapped his arms loosely around Derek's shoulders, tangled their legs and decided to use Derek's chest as a pillow.


The majority of the pack woke at about five thirty, excited for their day out.

Stiles groaned and tried burying his face deeper into Derek's chest as everyone's excited chatter reached their room.

"Come on, guys!" Cora called cheerily from the other side of the door. "The earlier we get there, the longer we can stay there!"

Stiles groaned as he rolled over and got up, opening the door and glaring at Cora, who was wearing a white bikini under a loose white tank top and denim shorts.

"Morning, Sunshine." She grinned before making her way downstairs.

Stiles sighed and showered with a scowl before dressing in yellow trunks with dancing palm trees wearing sunglasses printed on them and a white t-shirt.

"Der." He mumbled, shaking the sleeping man's shoulder.

"Wassat?" Derek slurred as he opened his eyes.

"Come on. Everyone's decided to get up stupidly early to go to the beach."

Derek stretched and rubbed his eyes before sitting up.

He reluctantly got out of bed and made his way towards their small en suite.

"And, thank your dear sister for waking me up so early." Stiles grumbled as he grabbed a backpack and shoved a clean t-shirt and beige cotton shorts into.

He left the backpack on the bed for Derek to finish before grabbing his phone and slipping his feet into his Star Wars flip flops.


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