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1K 47 17

Started: 20/04/2017 20:30
Finished: 26/04/2017 17:05
Completed: 26/04/2017 16:40

Sorry for the super late update guys... whoops...

Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to @TW-Love7 for voting and leaving relatable comments :) tysm

"You can't make those decisions." Derek growled as he burst into the back room.

"Well, you're not in the right state to be making them." Peter retorted.

"I'm the alpha! You don't make the decisions!"

"So's Scott and he doesn't seem to be against the idea."

"I don't fucking care! You're not allowed to make the decision!"

Scott took a step closer to the arguing pair. "Look, Derek-"

"No, Scott. I don't care about whatever you're about to say. The only thing I care about right now is the fact that he can't make the decisions for this pack. He isn't the alpha!"

"Derek," Lydia started loudly. "I don't care if you feel like this is a violation of power, or just your ego being knocked, but I think everyone deserves a say in the decision. You may be the alpha, but we are all a pack. You're not the only one with an opinion, and we won't hesitate to voice ours."

"I know," Derek growled, glaring at the redhead. "But he can't just make a decision like that."

"So you've said." Lydia mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"Lydia, just leave it." Stiles murmured.

"Why, Stiles? Why should I leave it?"

"Because if we keep arguing like this-"

"You're not arguing. Peter made a dick move and now Derek's being a dick about it." Malia told him.

"Exactly." Lydia huffed.

"Peter did something he shouldn't of. Derek's just upset." Scott mumbled.

"Upset? He looks ready to tear someone's head off." Isaac said quietly.

Derek growled at his beta.

"If we keep arguing like this, we're going to tear the pack apart!" Stiles yelled over everyone's bickering.

When all eyes were on him, he continued.

"And we need each other, so we need to stop. Maybe going to the ranch will be a good idea, but you can't go around making decisions like that, Peter, without discussing it with the rest of the pack."

"I thought we did discuss it." Peter shrugged.

"No, we didn't. Deaton told us about the place and a few people commented on it. We didn't hear everyone's opinions on it, so we didn't properly discuss it."

"I don't understand what this was all for because we're going either way." Peter mumbled.

"What if we don't want to?" Erica asked quietly.

"See, Peter? This is why we discuss things." Stiles growled.

"Let's vote." Scott stated. "Hands up if you think going to the ranch is a good idea."

"What are we? Six?" Jackson huffed.

"Just do it." Stiles growled, raising his hand.

"Ok, hands up if you think going to the ranch is a bad idea."

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