Can You See Me Clearly?

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The car ride and was awkward we both sat here in silence listening to the cars pass us on the freeway. He just felt weird. Like something was horribly wrong.

Nico. What's on your mind?

Lorenzo. There's a lot we need to talk about, Nico you left Amora, left her alone and scared. In the woods, what the hell was going through your mind?

Nico. I didn't leave her, I stayed until I saw you come get her

Lorenzo. Still Nico, what if I hadn't have answered the phone

Nico. I knew you would

Lorenzo. And you dick! You made me think you were dead! How long were you gonna keep that up! The love of your life was laying in bed crying herself to sleep every night and throwing things. And I...

Nico. You what?

Lorenzo. I thought I lost my best friend for a minute

Nico. Look ever since you told me you wanted out I just wanted you to take her with you. She wasn't safe with me at all whatever it took I wanted her safe and to be safe she needed to be away from me, I told you that before . I wanted to get rid of Mylon and let her go so she could be safe but she tracked me down

Lorenzo. You should have known she wasn't gonna give up without a fight

Nico. I suppose you're right. I apologize

Lorenzo. Just don't do it again

Nico. I won't

The rest of the drive was long and quiet with Amora stuck on my mind. Was I getting ready to be a dad or was I gonna be alone now. I still couldn't tell what was real. What was a dream and what was reality. All I did know was that one was a nightmare and the other was beautiful, something I didn't deserve.

We made it back to the syndicate and I stood tall and buff before I walked through the doors and as soon as I made my entrance everyone stood out of respect.

Things were in order they were the same and as they should have been.

Nico. Proceed
I said for everyone to get back to whatever they were doing.

Lorenzo. What are you doing today?

Nico. Going through some old case files in my office

Lorenzo. I will be with Liza to check up on our new security detail, call for me if you need me

Nico. Will do

I got into the elevator and went up into my office which was cleared out. Damn they really thought I was dead. I grabbed my spare laptop to catch upon somethings I had missed while I had disappeared. Took me a good hour then there was a knock on my door.

Lisa, Lorenzo, and Leo entered.

Nico. Hey

Lisa. We are glad you are back Nico how are you holding up?

Nico. I'm um... I'm doing okay actually

Leo. I'm sorry to hear about what happened

Nico. Oh hold on a second.
I said pulling out my phone and dialing a number before anyone could say anything.

Lorenzo. Who are you calling?

Nico. Amora
I said.

Then I saw everyone look at each other and then back at me.

Lorenzo. Nico...

Nico. Shh..
I waited a few more seconds but no answer.

Lisa. Nico are you okay?

Nico. I guess I told her I was gonna call her and to make sure she answered.

Lorenzo. Nico we been through this Amora, she's gone man

Nico. No stop. She just told me this morning that I'm going to be a dad! You were there

Lorenzo. Nico no, this morning you woke up, you ate breakfast and met me in the car

Nico. Quit playing she's alive

I looked up at the three of them and Lisa had tears in her eyes. Then she handed me something.

Nico. What's this?

Lisa. I'm sorry
She said then she ran out of the room crying.

I read the cover. Amora Lovett pronounced dead at the hospital at 11:23 p.m. Then it hit me.

Nico. This is for my family
I said as I shot Mylon dead on the street and then I jogged, basically sprinted all that long distance to the hospital.

I busted though the doors and demanded a doctor right away. Lorenzo was there. He was sitting in a chair, hands covered in blood and so was his shirt.

Doctor. Are you Nico?

Nico. Yes, you are Amora's doctor ? How is she? Where is she? Can I see her?

Doctor. You can but she... she past away

Nico. What!
My eyes turned a bright red color that startled the doctor.

Doctor. I tried everything

Nico. Well go try harder!!!!
I screamed at the poor man.

Doctor. I can take you to her

Nico. Take me now

We walked to her room almost as if everything around me was in slow motion. This doctor didn't know what the fuck he was talking about. She wasn't dead she can't be.

I walked into her room and her face was covered with a sheet. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes but I wouldn't let them fall. I lifted back the sheet and covered my mouth.

*end of flashback*

Nico. She is dead

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