Deep In Her Thoughts

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Short Chapter. 420 words in honor of 4/20 lmao.
Nico. Get out

Lorenzo. Sir

Nico. Get out of my office!!!

Both Lorenzo and Lisa started to make there way towards the door. But Lisa looked back at me.

Lisa. There is something I found. It was hers.. it's in your drawer

But I didn't respond to her I couldn't say anything to her. She just left. They both did, with the door closing slowly behind them.

She was there. This morning she was with me. Before I walked out of the house to come here why  did this happen? What did I do to deserve this? Oh who am I kidding I fucking kill people for a living.

I tried to hold it back but a tear fell from my eye. I thought I was gonna be a dad. I was gonna have a baby and a life. Why did I think that if it wasn't true, if it didn't actually happen?  God I screwed up.

Lisa said there was something for me in my drawer but I don't even feel like getting up to get it.

I forced myself off the little sofa in my office and opened my drawer to see a little book. It looked like a little notebook, on the front it said Amora. Why did she have a notebook and what did she keep in it.

Um. Hi. It's Amora. I guess I should start keeping a journal now. There isn't anyone else to talk to here. Lisa she is pretty nice, she gave me this book. Right now I am currently sitting  in this tiny room that looks like a prison. I was kidnapped about a week ago. This guy Mylon he keeps trying to do things to me. But I think Nico handled it. I mean I heard him screaming at him. His voice echoed down the hallways and almost sent chills down my back. It's okay because he's protecting me right? I don't actually know...

A diary. Amora was keeping a diary for all the time she was with me. This is the last thing I have from her. I wonder where Lisa found this. But it made me mad. She didn't know I was protecting her even after the whole situation with Mylon. Why didn't she trust me!?

I was thinking as I slammed my fist down on my desk then I took my gun and I left the room. Someone is going to pay for this!

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