Chapter 1

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I can hear them, their strong paws stalking my every move.

Run, faster.

There, a hiding place.

Run for your life.


*Flash back*

"Come here bitch!" Slap.

My chestnut brown hair whipped across my pale face. I fell with no doubt bringing the lavender lamp down with me.

"Oh look, now you have broken my precious lamp your father gave me!"

Another slap, pushing me deeper onto the cold wooded floors of our simplistic white two-story house.

No it wasn't your lamp, it was mine. My lamp that my mother bought for me when she was alive... 8 years ago.

And now stands before me is my evil step mom. A woman that had pretended to love me wholly when my father was around. She was a two-faced witch.

I never did take her shit, but today I did.

I let her hit me.

I was a werewolf after all and I would heal soon.

The fumes could be seen sprouting from her ears, her claws sprouted sharper from her perfectly manicured nails bought by my fathers money. She wanted to do this, she wanted to blame everything on me.

Even my fathers death.

"Because of you! You ruined everything, you got your father killed because you ran away from home!" She screamed at me with her high pitched voice, but she was right.

I caused my fathers death.

I was the cause of my mothers death and now my dearest father is dead because I ran away from home.

But what I was running from scared me to the endless pits of hell.

Axel Night.

My mate.

He loved me, he said we were mates, and I believed him.

I felt the connection whenever he touched me but somehow our minds never linked, he said it would take time.

It has been 2 years since he said that, after he claimed me his.

I felt my shoulder sting, it burned everyday since he marked me.

Was I supposed to feel like that?

"Get up!" My stepmother pulled me by the hair she dragged me across the floor with her frightening strength.

My shoulder stung again worse this time. I screamed in pain, making my stepmother smirk in satisfactory as if she was causing me the pain.

"Let go of me!" I cried.

I was frustrated, I did not want to live like this.

She passed into the kitchen from the living room.

I glanced at the clock with frustrated tears in my eyes that soon turned into fear.

It was 9:59. Axel was coming soon to get me.

Every night at 10:00 PM Axel would come to me and... make love to me. He told me constantly that I was the only one he loved, that I was his one and only mate.

But he lied, I could smell all the other female scents on him. When I had confronted him once he snapped and broke my ribs that took weeks to heal. Afterwards he treated me so kind I forgave him, but once I did he went back to treating me as if I was his toy.

I blinked once and it was 10:00 PM.

There was a knock at the door.

My step-mom stopped her heavy steps and purposefully threw my head against the wooden counter top. I whimpered, but didn't let another word out. I was already tensing up for the demon awaiting me behind those closed doors.

I laid on the cold wooden floors. I could hear the door open, the fake greetings, and then two sets of footsteps.

Maybe I could play dead?

I laughed at myself, like they would believe you. They are werewolves for goodness sakes. I saw a dark pool of blood at the corners of my eyes.

I reached my pounding head slowly and felt the dent which formed quickly into a huge bump. I could feel the gash that started the pool of blood. I pulled my hand back down to examine the damage and wanted to puke when I saw the amount of blood that covered my palm.

I blinked once again and saw a pair of familiar feet that would stomp at me if I did the slightest thing wrong.

I blinked again and saw blackness.

*End of flash back*


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