Chapter 9

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"What are you doing here?"

I instantly jolted around to the deep angry words from a gray and blue eyed man.

And to think my heart would stop speeding up after I met up with my mate.

I was wrong, very wrong.

My heart speed up as much as it did with the black mysterious beast that had just disappeared.

Wasn't our bond broken?

Why do I still feel this way towards him?

"Shift." His voice was crispy and swift.

I retreated back.

If I shifted I would be naked, but I had nothing to be ashamed of right? Nathaniel was my master now and I had to obey him.

I shut my eyes slowly and let the trance take over, by the time I opened my eyes I was bare naked.

I didn't want to look him in the eyes but I couldn't help myself. My body kept nagging at me, wanting to see him anyways. So I gave in, standing as straight as I could I looked him square in the eyes.

Nathaniel's deep pool of gray blue eyes swirled with distraught emotions, there was no telling of how he felt. He was like a stone wall, but sometimes I could see the imperfections and sometimes it was like he was flawless.

His jaw hardened and his fists tightened.

"Why are you out here."

"Nothing... I-I went out for air after... I couldn't sleep last night."

His angry expression softened.

"Get back inside. It's cold."

I nodded my head even though it was pretty bright outside.

I followed Nathaniel's path back to the house, it was a quiet way back. No words were spoken only actions.

Before we entered the house he turned around and took off his light gray blazer revealing a white undershirt that matched his gray slacks.

"Put it on."

He handed me the blazer, I looked at him unsure as if it was a trap. He looked a bit impatient and was about to let go. I grabbed the blazer before it fell to the ground.

"Thank you..."

I gave him a small smile, this one gesture made me all warm and gushy inside. I didn't want to feel this way with Nathaniel, I felt like I was deceiving my mate but deep inside I felt like it was okay to feel this way with Nathaniel.

What was going on with me?

He looked at me and gave me a small smile before it was wiped off as soon as it came.

He sniffed the air once, slow and delusional.

His pupils dilated and before I knew it he looked at the ground.

Was it me? Did I smell or something?

I followed his eyes that trailed to the ground.

The house seemed empty just the way I left it., but then I realized that it was the exact way I left it.

My bloody footsteps were dried against the floor.

He leaned down and with two long fingers they grazed the dry blood, he brought his two fingers underneath his nose and smelled it.

Nathaniel inhaled my blood in an intoxicated motion.

When he opened his eyes again they were black, gone were those beautiful gray-blue eyes.

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