Chapter 11

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I stared at her with heavy eye lids, I was getting tired of passing out here and there.

People need to piss the hell off sometimes, and I was tied too!

What the hell!

I started growling in the back of my throat, but she looked at me with amused eyes.

"Nah-ah-ah~" She said in a sing-song voice.

"Not so fast" She waved the bracelet in her hand into my face.

"You're pathetic!" I yelled, I spit towards her in satisfactory when it reached her white stilettos.

Her face turned red and she fumed.

She pressed onto the bracelet and I began to tremble with uncontrollable waves.

She smirked as she watch me wither in pain. I screamed as the shocks ran through my body.

A few agonizing minutes later I recovered, twitching every now and then.

"Don't test me." She walked towards me.

I was about to do something to piss her off, but I decided against it until the shocks in my body wearied off.

She grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled it backwards exposing my neck. She sniffed me in a disgusting way.

"I can't believe he took blood from you, a low life mutt... but he should have died. Unless..."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"He's your mate!" The vice like grip had been released like I had burned her hands.

"You just figured?" I giggled in a creepy way.

She kicked me hard in the gut with her five inch heels.

Freaking bitch, that hurt.

"That's impossible, he never showed interest in anyone... He's only with you because you are mates! He doesn't love you like he loves me!" She screamed.

I winced at her words, they were the truth. As mates, we were destined to love one another, not by choice but by the fates.

Damn you fates.

"Are you jealous he has a mutt like me to tend to his needs unlike a despicable lifeless creature like you."

She shot me a menacing look, in return I gave her the same look challenging her.

"He will never love you, I'll make sure to get rid of you for him."

I debated if I should stop her. First, I didn't want to die, but second I wouldn't mind dying since it would be a quicker death with her than living with mister Vampire.

"Are you sure you want to do that Nicolette?"

The blond, Nicolette jumped out of her place and turned around dreadfully. My head painfull turned to the bright light that shone brightly behind a large figure.

"Nathaniel..." I whispered.

I heard the blond sneer in the back of her throat but it was silenced as soon as Nathaniel stepped into view.

He looked incredible.

He still wore the same pants, but he wore a black cardigan contrasting from his white undershirt underneath. His skin glowed with a new layer of dewiness and he looked sharper than ever. His gray-blue eyes were luminous, maybe it was because of the bright light behind him in this freaking dark room. I don't know but all I know was that he looked... utterly delicious.

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