Chapter 3

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It was easier than I thought, hiding on the cruise ship of humans.

No one I recognized was on board, that was for sure. Many had been tourists, but I was grateful to sneak upon the ship.

They had a 24/7 all you can eat buffet.

And for exactly 7 days, I ate and ate and ate to my hearts desire.

I had never been so deprived of food in a long time my first meal had been regurgitated because of my small stomach. As a werewolf I should have been able to eat a whole mountain lion, but in my condition I could barely eat a full plate of food without feeling the need to throw up.

How pathetic of myself.

As the lowest class, Followers my family had been put to work. My father worked as an engineer and my mother a teacher.

The children went to school together, but as soon as they graduated from high school every class had been separated.

There were three types of social classes: the Aristocrats, the Minorities, and the Followers.

A follower had been the typical werewolf family, nothing special or spectacular about us. We were not allowed to attend wolf pack meetings, all were were told was to follow the Alphas orders or restrictions will be enforced. No one complained and no one went against the pack leaders because one they were our alphas and two we still lived peacefully. Basically, the Followers did the jobs no one else wanted to do. The only strength we had had been the strength in our numbers, we were the majority of the whole werewolf population.

Minorities were the wealthy werewolves, they attended pack meetings, you could say they were the middle class. But what gave them their names was their asset, they were our healers. They were the doctors, the scientists, the lawyers, and so on.

In order to be an Aristocrat you had to have some type of pure werewolf blood in your genes, they could do whatever they desired. 

And of course there were no longer existing Pure Bloods among the social ladder.

There were myths about Pure Bloods when they existed that they were above all others and they were unimaginably powerful. They were a royal family that had an ample amount of power, youth, and intelligence that made them so irrevocably untouchable. They had a source of power and they claimed it to be the fountain of youth but it was called the Elixir of Eternity.

No one knew what it was or how it worked, but it had been said that it was the only thing that kept the Pure Bloods alive and powerful.

Suddenly, the Pure Bloods began to diminish one by one, family by family, until there were virtually no more Pure Bloods among the werewolf population to continue the royal family.

I used to always love listening in history class, it was the most interesting subject to learn about your own kind. That was until I graduated and I my job had chosen from me. I had been chosen to become a teacher like my mother, but I had a full year to rest before I began my training had even began.

I'm 18 years old with the only cause to survive this escape.

I was free, but not yet.

I stood out on the deck with my slim hands gripping onto the rail, there were parents chilling underneath the suns rays and children running and playing about.

I tilted my head up toward the sky and smelled the ocean. It smelt so nice and clean. I had stolen a few clothing from other boarding passengers and had thrown away my previous blood stained clothing over board. I only kept my precious necklace.

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