Chapter 13

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I am soooooooo sorry for not updating, I just got caught up with school and forgot about this story. I am so sorry! But I will make it up with some good-ish stuff! :)

You will encounter some hot stuff in this chapter so please if you may, be cautious as you route this chapter! :)


Lily's POV:


I stared blindly at the window shop before me. It was a famous Italian store with the most expensive goodies of all time. As soon as I stepped inside of the lovely beige haven I felt very uncomfortable. I was wearing the most uncompatiable clothes, a scarf to cover the collar, a thin white long sleeve, a dark washed dress pant that fit too tight for my liking, and a pair of black flats. (AN:Picture to the left).

All those beautiful women inside were wearing nothing but high class dresses that hugged their bodies in all the right places. I downright felt like shit, I did not fit in.

"What are you doing standing there like a child, move." Nathaniel pushed me forward into the woman's section. I nearly stumbled to my death from my stupidity but it's not like Nathaniel would care.

I turned to glare at him, but he looked unfazed. I turned my attention back to the store and a blonde beauty appeared in front of us wearing a black and white uniform.

"Mr. Cross welcome! How may I be of your service?" She greeted all to happily, willing to please him so eagerly.

I nearly gaged at her spontaneous personality, poor human. If only she knew the things he would do to her with her blood.

"Nothing for me, but this young woman here needs some new clothes." Nathaniel replied brusquely, he did not seem to care about the woman's appearance. I mean she was beautiful but she had a too girly aura about her.

She eyed me with her green eyes and gave me a weird twitch of an eyebrow before adjusting her composure then nodding her head.

"Your friend?"

"No. My escort, I want her to look presentable." Nathaniel lazily spoke and waved me off.

And escort? Isn't that some kind of whore?

The blonds eyes light up like she saw candy while I gaped at Nathaniel.

Asshole. I thought in my head.

"Come with me, I think I have the perfect look for her!"

"She also needs a new wardrobe." Nathaniel simply stated.

"Yes sir." The blond chimed.

The blond literally dragged me towards the back of the shop, it seemed to become more deserted by each section.

For the first two hours we had accomplished to find all my undergarments and casual clothing that could bury the whole entire world. Everything seemed to fit onto my body preferably than I thought it would be. Although I only tried on a few things the blond had picked out the rest as if she was shopping for herself. She didn't seem that bad at all, but she did seem to pick out the more expensive clothing.

When we shopped I seemed to favor the more blazer and blouse type with jeans than the whole sundress theme.

"We're done right?" I said massaging my burning calves. From all this walking or should I say running around, I was practically killing myself!

I knew I shouldn't have worn flats, but it beats wearing heels any day.

"No, not yet! Mr. Cross said we have to get you into a dress for tonight's event."

Find me. Catch me. Kill me.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu