Chapter 5

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Happy Easter my were and vamp readers! :)

The tasty photo on the side is a taste of what Lily had seen, you'll understand when you keep reading.


"Ugh..." I groaned from the throbbing pain in my head. The swollen bump from a week ago had healed but somehow my head was hurting.

Maybe it was from the drug?

My slim pale fingers gripped my head and the sound of chains could be heard.


My lazy eyes quickly opened as my they adjusted to the thick silver chains that confined my wrists to the floor.

I pushed myself up sitting on my knees in an upside down W position with my legs.

How did I get here?

None of my ankles were confined, I still had my clothes on, but my belongings were no where to be found in this small circular room.

I tried getting on my feet but no avail the silver chains were short and restricted me from doing so. I could only stand up on my knees.

Stupid chains, I preferred sitting down anyways.

I huffed out a breath of air and noticed that it was dark. I tried squinting my eyes a bit it but it was pitch black, with or without my werewolf powers.

Where was I?

The last thing I remembered was passing out in the alley after the stupid server drugged me...

Oh my gosh! The vampire!

I was still alive, but why?

I remembered hearing the scary stories of what Vampires would do to werewolves even in this 21 century society. There were still disputes between these two societies. I heard that werewolves would be tortured to death by the vampires, starving or being humiliated by the vampires for their own entertainment. This only happened if werewolves came into their territories without being consulted first or just getting plain caught red handed.

Over the centuries vampires had become powerful because the royal family of Pure Blood vampires were still alive and ruling. There were countless wars that had been fought over the ages but most of them ended up in stalemates. The only rule that kept us peaceful or if it can even be called that is if you stay away then we'll stay away.

How stupid could I be, Italy?! Really? That's one of the major areas of vampires! Ugh what have I gotten myself into?

Vampires were heard to be ruthless spoiled beings.

But how can I be so judgemental when werewolves were the same. There was even a time when a vampire family had came into our territory and was brutally executed... even the two children. I can still remember their scared bloody faces that called their parents names as they burned in the flames. It felt as if I had been the one burning, feeling their pain than they were.

I shuddered as a chill ran through me.

This chill felt different though, it felt like a pleasurable chill not a disgusting one I would get from Axel.

Why was I thinking about him right now I had just been captured by vampires. 

Immediately strong bright lights turned on, nearly blinding me in the process.

If I was a vampire I would have hissed, but only pussies do that.

I practically laughed at my own joke.

After my eyes adjusted to the annoying bright light I noticed that it wasn't just a small circular room, it was a huge cage with silver bars.

The light seemed to be putting a spotlight on me. I covered my eyes looking up. And to confirm my suspicions it most definitely was zeroing in on me.

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