Chapter 7

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Morning creeped up at me faster than it should have, rather yet, I hadn't even noticed the change had occurred when the sun lit up the whole room.

I was still in the same spot, curled up in a tight ball, naked and lonely.

I couldn't get out of bed, it was too much to even breath.

My heart wheezed at every movement I had made.

Last night was terrorizing. Every time I heard her, I felt his movements within my body. What he was doing to her, touching her, feeling her, and the things he made her feel. I felt every last detail to the very end.

The rise and the fall of their climax was my last dying breath. I felt a peculiar numbness. I was shoved deep inside the subconscious of my brain trying to figure out what I should do next. I wanted to move on, but I seemed to have no strength.

I thought back on how my relationship would have been if I stayed with Axel. Act least he acknowledged me in some way, even though he had numerous sex with other females.

Axel Night.

I can still remember my first kiss with him. He took me home on a Tuesday night after we watched a hilarious movie, I was all smiles and he seemed to beam with joy. He held my face and told me he loved me for the first time. And when your mother passes away, no friends, horrible step mom, and a distant father, you just can't help feel like believing him since all the other people have failed you.

All my life I had been rejected, I can't help but believe that I had brought this upon myself.

I needed to stop dwelling on my past.

Right now I was in a vampires territory, anything I did or said could be heard.

Maybe that's why I'm so silent?

Maybe I don't want the world to hear me ever again?

Maybe I don't ever want to be seen again?

A harlot.

Those where his words.

My mate, the love of my life, the only person that was supposed to make me happy for an eternity. He was supposed to take away the pain that I had endured for all my life, but instead it ricochet.

I clung onto my necklace, the cool contents of the silver calmed me a bit.

I should stop hoping and wishing... I have lost hope already.

He thought of me as a whore, but he knew nothing of me.

I wanted to cry and become frustrated but I couldn't, I just couldn't.

Emotionally I couldn't feel anything that concerned my heart anymore.

I began to laugh at myself as if I was becoming senile.

I never had one to begin with after my mother.

"You're pathetic." I whispered to myself.

I got up from the bed, no longer wanting to feel sorry for my pitiful self.

I walked around the room, it was basic. Clean mahogany wooden floors that complimented the dark navy blue curtains. A matching set of the black bed post, the black coffee table, the black sofa, and a black desk that sat quietly at the corner.

The bed had white sheets with navy blue pillows, the only white in the room by far. The color combinations were all dark, he was a vampire after all.

Nathaniel- No I can not think of him now. He was the least of my concern... That's what I keep telling myself.

I noticed that the bed was smack dab in the middle of the farthest wall from the door. The heavy curtains draped around the large glass windows that was behind the bed post. So much light for some one who dislikes the sun. Sometimes I wish vampires did burn in the sun, too bad its all folk and tales.

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