{1} First encounters

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Sean's POV
It was a shame- the first lesson of my new college was maths. Great.

I was already signed in, showed my dorm, introduced to the class and sat at a table near the back next to a guy named Felix. 'How's it going bro?' Was the first thing he said to me as I took my seat. I noticed his thick Swedish accent almost instantly. 'My name's Felix but my friends call me Pewds. Sean, right?'.
'Yep, but call me Jack. It's just a nickname and I prefer being called it'. 'Nice to meet you, Jack'.

The lesson continued, with Felix interrupting a few times, making silly remarks towards Mr Harriet, the teacher. He seemed like a popular, earning a mixture of laughs and scowls with each comment he made. But he didn't seem to be the most popular in the school.

Back in Ireland, I wasn't popular at all yet I wasn't a loner either. I had a small group of friends, few would come and go day by day, and we'd go out a few times to go to the local ice cream parlour, park, cinema or just hang out in each others dorms and play video games. I wasn't a nerd either, although I was an A* student. Despite this, I've never really revised for a test in my entire life. Sure, I did little studying before my GSCE's at the end of Secondary school but that was still last minute anyway, I got A's and B's. Intelligence must run through my blood. I was more of those people who you would just say 'Hello' or 'Good morning' to whilst passing in the corridor, you know?

Hell- I mean class- dragged on for what seemed like days. Pulling up the sleeve of my blue hoodie, I looked down at the watch on my wrist; turned out that we were only about fifteen minutes into it. I curled my fingers around my pen, writing down notes about circumference or some shit like that, I don't actually remember. At this point, I was half asleep, half listening when another student burst rather loudly through the classroom door.

'Ah- Mark Fishbach! Care to explain why you are 20 minutes late to my lesson?' Mr Harriet questioned, obviously annoyed by this Mark person.

Safe to say, 'Mark' was pretty hot. He was wearing a red and black checkered flannel with blue denim jeans, a grey backpack swung over his shoulder. His skin was tan, probably Korean. Stubble covered his jawline and chin snd he looked to be only an inch taller than me, and I'm very short for my age. He's very muscular though, I'm assuming he works out a lot and/or plays some kind of sport. I had to fight to this attraction as he probably wasn't gay, considering the fact that he attracted a lot of female attention. Besides, he wouldn't like an average like me, let alone go out with. Girls wanted to date him, guys wanted to be him.

He strutted further into the classroom, a smirk beginning to form on his lips. He ruffled his hand through his messy yet attractive vibrant red locks. Glad I'm not the only one with a bold hair colour. He carelessly walked over to the teacher's desk and leant up against it.

'Oh wait, let me guess. You over slept, again?' Sir gritted his teeth at him as Mark rolled his eyes at him. 'Sleep is more important than your boring lesson'. Woah. He had the most beautiful, deep voice. It was soothing to listen to, a treat to my ears, weirdly reminded me of melting butter. The teacher scoffed at the red head. So he's one of those bad boys? I thought to myself, eyeing him still fussing around with his hair. I had to agree with this though, this was complete crap.

'Hey, have you got a bag?' Mark randomly asked, his smirk transforming into a concerned kind of frown. 'No, Mark. Why would I need a bag, for God's sake?'. Silence fell upon the class room, all eagerly waiting for his response. 'To cover your face with, duh!' All of a sudden, laughter erupted from all corners of the room.

An impatient teacher rose from his chair, walking over to the white board and giving him an extremely dirty look. If looks could kill...

'Mr Fishbach, please take your seat. You're 19, you're not a child thank you'.
'Hey where'd you get your shoes, the MacDonald's happy meal?'. An expected outburst of laughter yet again filled the room.
'Sit. Down.'
'Fine, Jesus', the man gave in, walking off to the empty seat located at the second row to the front.
'Oh', the teacher suddenly spoke again, aiming his words at mark, 'since you missed the first 20 minutes of valuable learning, you didn't get to hear me introduce Sean, the new student'.

Mark scanned the room, looking for wherever I may be. 'Next to Felix, idiot'. His eyes instantly locked on mine, and I smiled awkwardly and did a small wave at him. His chocolate eyes suddenly warmed up and he smiled gently at me for a few long seconds, goosebumps beginning to form on my skin, before once again walking towards his seat.

Well that was weird.

Authors note:
Hey! I'm new here and this is my first fanfic. I'm really sorry if it sucked, I tried. :( I really hope whoever's reading this enjoyed, I will hopefully be updating in the next few days or so. Have a great day/night!
~Zozo <3

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