Call #13

7.9K 493 45

"This is happy helpline, think happy-"

"How many calls do you get?"

"About 10 to 15 a day"

"Are they the same people?"

"I have three usuals."



"Shouldn't you know my number when I call?"

"That would mean you're a usual."

"I'm not?"

"Well you are-"

"Then when I call, I want you to say 'hey Gaea'."

"That's against protocol."

"Well I'm a usual."

"Doesn't matter I still have to say the motto."

"And if you don't."

"I don't and I'll be out of a job."





"Do they listen to your conversations? Your bosses?"

".. no."

"Then fuck protocol, I'm a usual and I spend a lot of money-"

"Okay okay, I'll say it."







"I like your voice." "And I have to go soon."

"What do you wanna talk about?"


"Call later, I don't want you to rush."

"Oh okay."



-Phone call ended-

"She likes my voice..."

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