"At the pizza place at 12"

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It was 12:00 on the dot. And he was there, like he promised.

Marcel furrows his thick brows as he stares intently at the pizza place across the street. He was making a decision, one that he would regret for the rest of his life or one he would be thankful for. He taps his fingers on the side of his thigh trying to find a sign that would tell him what to do.

Rose promptly told him that she was done. Done with him. Maybe she was just saying that, maybe she was just playing around.

Probably not.

Flurries of snow started to fall down, one grazing then melting on his nose.

The sign.

He took a deep breath then takes his first brave step. It was quiet here, only noise was coming from happy customers inside. He gets to the front of the building and stops. Almost hypnotized by the warmth radiating off the place.

He silently stood outside of the building of the pizza place on 21st. He watched people pass by, counting them as if it would suppress his nervousness.

He was out in the bitter cold waiting for his rose.

He started to whisper to himself. "I love you, I'm sorry." then "I'm stupid, I love you." He sighs softly "You make me happy.."

He groaned in frustration "She's not even going to show up, why am I here?" He asked himself. He looked down at his phone, he quickly found her contact. He hovered his thumb on the call button.

[No..] he thought

He locked his phone and put it in his pocket.

"Why am I here?" He asked watching his warm breath spread to the cold air.

About 5 minutes passed "She's not coming, I'm such a fucking idiot." He turned to face and kick the innocent wall. "Ouch! Fuck.."

[She not coming, I should just leave.]

Marcel stood 20 painful minutes waiting in the cold. He was shivering looking up to the sky "I should go..."

He opened his phone up again to find her contact for the 5th time. Again he was millimeter away from pressing call.

[She won't pick up...]

He was violently shaking now unable to feel is ears, nose, and tips of his fingers while 30 more discouraging minutes past slow. "I can wait."

"I'll wait..."

--<>--<>--<>-- To Be Continued...--<>--<>--<>--

You guys make my day, like seriously thank you.

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