Call #14

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"This is happy helpline, think happy thoughts."

"You're really starting to get on my nerves."

"Sorry, let me start again."


"Hey Gaea, how are you?"


"I feel like every time we talk I'm breaking an imaginary rule."

"Good, that's what it feels like to be alive."

"You saying I'm dead?"


"I'm very much alive for your information."

"I don't believe you."

"I am!"

"Prove it."

"Um... damn.. how do I prove it?"

"Exactly! I've figured it out!"


"You're not dead. You're a robot."

"I am not a robot."

"Honestly I just said that so you could say that- to reference a song. It worked out perfectly."

"You're such a child."








"Are you giving me the silent treatment?"


"Seriously? Such a child."



-Phone call ends-

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