Call #33

7K 389 19

It's  10:24 pm

Hey, what's up?

I need to get my mind off something..


*Deep sigh*

My grandma died.

Oh my god

I'm so sorry.

...It's just...



Can we just-

How was your day?

Um, it was decent.


Yeah, I uh felt pretty cute and there was good weather.. So yeah

Why'd you feel cute?

I have a new outfit and it felt nice.

What were you wearing?

A romper, simple one.

Uh huh

*starts laughing*

Why do you sound like that?

I'm just picturing.


You're beautiful.

Thank you, do you even remember what I look like?

Of course I do.

Really? Prove it.

Kinky curly fro..

That's easy.

Chocolate skin, little moles on your cheeks..

Still easy but okay..

Full lips..

I feel like you're trying to remember as we speak.

Do you remember me?

Of course cakes.

- Conversation continues till early morning -

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