~Chapter 4~

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Molly's pov

I had a dream...it was a sweet dream. Loving and moving. Like one of those love story movies you see at the cinema, green grass, blue skies. And a lovely family going out to the park for a picnic, that family....was mine. We had a beautiful blanket placed on the grass some sandwiches and bottles of either water or juice, there was a park near by so we stopped there and stayed for a while. My papa was pushing me on the swing while my mama laughed with me. But then i fell off the swing, i was in mid air when i did. Soaring through i headed straight to my mama. She had a worried look on her face as she held her arms out to catch me. She missed and i phased through her hitting the ground with a thud. I looked back at her confused, as i did i saw her tummy was covered in a red substance. It was her blood! She puked some up before she fell to the ground dead. Tears rushed down my cheeks as i looked around for my papa, hearing his voice call my name out i turned my head towards him. I gasped seeing that he was on his knee's and the man i saw...no his murderer held a gun to his head. " no!" was all i could scream and after that he pulled the trigger and a white flash flared before me.

I woke up with a shock, the nightmare i just had shook me more then any other nightmare had. I looked around at my surroundings and quickly realized i was back at sans and papys house. Sighing in relief i got up from my resting place heading to the kitchen. I stopped at the door when i heard not only sans voice but some new one's as well. " sans..you can't keep her she needs to be with her family". " she can't go back to her family..who knows what that bastard will do if he found out where you live!" a sigh went out and the voice spoke more. " i get That you care about her safety. But she's gonna be safe with me". " no..sh..won't..she wants to be with us...she...." he paused in mid sentence and his head turned to the door. I gasped as he walked over and opened it. Falling back i shielded my head. He sighed before grabbing my hand and pulling me in to the room with him. I squeaked when i felt my self be pulled in to a new set of arms. " oh my goodness your alright". I looked back at sans who had a depressed look on his face. " sans....who is this woman....why is she trying to take me away..." " she thinks it's best you went with her...but i have a feeling your little murderer. Knows where all your relatives live". 

" i just want what's best for you please...come with me molly". I shook my head and pulled from her grasp running to sans while lifting my arms up to him. He smiled and gladly picked me up and set me on his hip. I glared at the woman and sneered. "I'm staying with my new family...". Her eyes widen and she sadly nodded her head. " fine...it was your choice...just be careful my sweet...". And with that she was out the door.

Sans sat on the couch and set me on one of his knees. He smiled and ruffled my hair a bit, i smiled back at him and snuggled him a little. " sans....". " hm?" " where did papyrus go?". " he went out with undyne remember. Their still checking out where that killer might be-". " SANS! I'M HOME!". " speak of the devil there he is now". I got up excitedly and ran over to papyrus while lifting up my arms to him. He laughed as he picked me up spinning me in the air. I giggled as he spun a few more times before setting me on his hip. Sans came walking up with a his eyes closed and a small smile on his face. " HAS WAS THE VISIT WITH YOUR PAPA?". My smile soon faded away once those words came out and i looked down sadly. He gave me a worried look and lifted my chin up a little quickly hugging me close when he saw that i had tears in my eyes. Sans also had a sad and worried look as well as he came up to me and patted my back once before stepping outside leaving me and papyrus in a awkward silence. All was heard is silence and the low rumbling of my tummy. ( reference). We both looked down at my tummy in silence before looking back up at each other. He smiled as he carried me to the kitchen. " SOUNDS LIKE A CERTAIN LITTLE LADY IS HUNGRY." he basically shouted as he sat me on the counter and poking my nose making me giggle a little. " WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE SWEETIE?". I thought for a moment before i smiled up at him with an idea. " m...may i have some pancakes?". He put his hands up to his chin. " HMM I NEVER MADE PANCAKES BEFORE.. HAVE YOU MADE SOME WITH YOUR MAMA OR PAPA".  I shook my head a little but then i smiled. " but i've seen my mama make them plenty of times. So i think i got some of it down the rest we can look up on google". " YEAH. YES THIS IS PERFECT! WE'LL MAKE PANCAKES! I THE GREAT PAPYRUS AND MY LITTLE MOLLY ARE CHEFS AT WORK". I giggled as he made a little pose. He smiled as reached in to a drawer pulling out two aprons. I looked at the two different kinds, there's a blue apron and a orange apron. For some reason they were both in my size, and they were....girly. I looked up at him with a confused look. " HM? IS THERE SOMETHING THE MATTER?". I put my hands up and shook my head repeatedly. " n..no no, im just curious on why you have them in my size and.....why are they....girly?". " HUH OH WELL. BEFORE ME AND MY BROTHER BECAME EHEM HOW SHOULD I SAY?...IN BUSINESS...WE USE TO LIVE WITH OUR LITTLE HUMAN, HER NAME WAS FRISK AND SHE WAS AROUND YOUR AGE AS WELL, AND SO WHEN WE COOKED SHE WOULD COOK WITH US BUT SHE NEVER HAD AN APRON SO SANS AND I WENT AND BOUGHT HER TWO. THAT'S WHY THEIR ALL GIRLIE THEY WERE HERS AND NOW THEIR YOURS SINCE SHE'S....LIVING SOMEWHERE ELSE NOW. BUT SHE DOES CO.E TO VISIT US.". I smiled at his story as i looked at the two aprons examining them while he spoke. The blue one was a bit frilly on the pocket front and has long ribbon like strings. A little red heart was printed on the front as well. The top where my arms went through had frills as well. After checking out the blue one i looked at the orange one. It was similar in frills but the pocket picture was a little pink bunny instead of a heart and it said ' Too kawaii' at the bottom. I can't decide they are both so cute, the blue one is catching my eye a bit but the orange one has a bunny and i like bunnies. Seeing my frustration he chuckled before picking me up off the counter and placing back on the floor again. Handing me the blue apron he shooed me away to the back. " HERE TRY THIS ONE ON FIRST AND LET ME SEE HOW YOU LOOK OK? THEN TRY ON THE ORANGE ONE, AND SEE WHICH ONE SUITES YOU THE MOST!". I gave him a soft smile and a nod as i entered in to the room giggling a little. I put on the blue one but the back was a little hard to tie so i poked my head out to cath his attention. " DO YOU NEED HELP SMALL ONE?" a nod he chuckled softly and bent down to my height turning me around and tying the back into a big bow like you would a present. My eyes sparkled in awe, it was so cute!. I did a twirl making papy laugh and ruffle my hair. " DO YOU LIKE IT?".  " yes i love it! It's so cute! Thank you papa!". I said wrapping my arms around his neck. His eyes widen as he pulled me back slightly. Realizing what i had just said i blushed and cover my face. " i....im sorry..i..i didn't mean to". He put his finger to my mouth shushing me in the process. " shhh your alright sweetie. It was an accident i understand.". Softly rubbing my head he stood up again and headed over to the pantry where he took out a pack of flour and sugar. Placing those on the counter he got out a mixing bowl to put our ingredients in. Getting all the ingredients for pancakes we searched up the recipe for them and began to bake or....cook. I had a little trouble mixing the batter, the mixing bowl went out of control for a second until papyrus came over and turned it off, leaving me in a sticky batter mess. I giggled before grabbing the instructions again. " it say cook on each side for 1 minute each time.". Looking up at him i tilted my head but then smiled when sans came in. " hey pap something smells-". Stopping in his mid-sentence, we again loomed at each other in awkwardness. " heheh you and papy making somethin?". I nodded and pointed to the stove where papy was standing. " we're makin pancakes!". He stood up as he chuckled and ruffled my hair in the process. " got a little messy there kiddo. After you and pap are done making BRUNCH why don't you go take a bath ok?". I giggled at his pun, papyrus on the other hand, didn't quite like puns so much i guess from his low groan of frustration. " SANS MUST YOU REALLY MAKE PUNS AT A TIME LIKE THIS?". Sans simply smiled as he sat at the bar. I stood on the step stoll and grabbed an egg holding it out to them. They both looked at me with a face that read " what are you up to?". I smiled before speaking to papy: " why don't you like sans' puns? To me i think there". "She's really gonna go for it". I heard sans mumble as i lifted the egg in the air smiling. " They are EGG-cellent". Sans eyes sparkle as he lifted me in the air and spun me around. " whoa!sans". I laughed as he threw me up once before he put me in papyrus's arms who again groaned and poked my nose. " heh nice one kid." " sigh* SANS YOUR STUPID PUNS ARE RUBBING OFF ON TO THE SMALL HUMAN!". sans shrugged and set me on his hips. " heh at least she likes them and she's got a few herself.". I smiled at this, yea i got a few but their not to good. " mhm i got a-DOZEN of them!". Sans laughed again and set me on the ground ruffling my hair. " alright kid that's enough, anymore and pap'll CRACK- any second". I burst out laughing at that one, tu-shay kind sir. " oh but i goes YOLKS on him right?". "Hehe yeah anymore and he'll be bo-". " DON'T EVEN DARE FINISH THAT PUN! AHEM. MOLLY SWEETIE, WHY NOT GOES SEE IF THE PANCAKE BATTER IS READY?". i smiled nodding my head then turned and ran over to the counter. Looking in the the batter it was fully mixed up, so i turned off the mixer before grabbing the bowl. It was bigger then me so it was a little hard to hold. " eh.....ehhe....ah ah ahhh!".
Boom i fell back and landed straight on my butt while batter spilled all over me. Sans and papyrus looked back at me with panicked faces. Paps was the first to get to me, moving the bowl off he gently picked me up and held me out in front of him. " MOLLY SWEETHEART. ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" he said worried as sans walked up next to him. I nodded before looking down at myself and whined seeing the mess i made. " i...im sorry..i..i didn't mean to..to..." " SHHH IT'S ALRIGHT MY SWEET. I'LL CLEAN IT UP WHILE SANS TAKES YOU FOR ANOTHER BATH OK?" " o..ok".  I sniffled as i was being handed over to sans, he smiled as he walked out of the kitchen with me on his hip again.

                      - time skip-

After my bath was done sans gave me some cute pj's. It was a pink full sized bunny onesie. My eyes sparkle as i squealed running in circle's. Sans laughed as he chased after me when i ran out to show papyrus. " no no no no molly don't ur back isn't zipped up!".  He laughed as his hand grabbed the back of my hoodie making me squeal with laughter. Having my zipper zipped up and ready to go i ran out to paps who was on the couch watching the tv. When i got closer to him his gazed moved from the tv to me and his eyes sparkle as he instantly got up from his seat and picked me up twirling me around in a circle. " LOOK ST YOU! YOU CUTE LITTLE BUNNY RABBIT!". he said with a grin. I giggled as i was thrown up and then caught when i came back down. At one point he went a little too high and i missed him and almost hit the floor, but sans was quick as he ' teleported' under neath me and caught me by my legs dangling me. He pulled me up to his face ( note im still upside down) and smiled. " you alright kid? Pretty big fall you took there". " OH MY GOODNESS! IM SORRY LITTLE HUMAN! MOLLY SWEETIE IM SO SO SORRY ARE YOU ALRIGHT!". " yes yes im fine. Im ok...i had fun.". We all laughed until there was a knock on the front door. Hearing this we all stopped and headed towards the front door. Sans put me back on the ground keeping me behind him. When the door opened i really couldn't see who it was but i heard their voice. It was gentle and sweet and smooth. " hello boys, im here to see the little girl you two were talking about?"

( :D cliff hanger who is at the door

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