~ chapter 6~

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Warning this chapter contains sad and depressing themes and possible suicide thoughts.  If you are easily offended by this then skip to the next chapter or skip over the depressing scene.

Molly's pov

Waking up the next morning was a bit of a hassle. I barely got any sleep last night due to million Nightmares i had. One about my mama giving up on me. Another my papa died in front of my eyes again but a lot more worse. Then the last was just me and my family. It had me terrified, one of those dreams was so bad i almost woke up screaming. Rubbing my eyes a bit i slowly sat up in my bed and got out walking out of the room i was currently sleeping in. Making my way down the stair i couldn't help but hear sans in his room talking to someone. Curious i stopped half way down the stairs i listened to what he was saying. " Look i don't care if the kid is yours she's not safe out there where he could easily track her down, im not risking it. You can come visit her but she needs to stay here with us and have protection." silence was heard as he listened to what the person on the other line had to say. " no! I don't care if you have security cameras. Her parents had their but it still happened anyway. We have more then that we have actual protection.".

" molly sweet heart". I gasped and turned around to find ms toriel at the bottom of the stairs. " y...yes ms toriel?". She smiled and held out her paw. " please call me tori.". " yes mama". My eyes widened when i realized at what i had just said and judging by her look i could tell she was shocked as well. I just called her mama. I sighed and hung my head down in shame as i made my way down the steps. Before i fully past her i bowed slightly and apologized to her. " s..sorry ms toriel". She waved her hand in a assured manner. " no no sweet heart you call me what ever you want". Looking at her for a minute i hung my head again and walked away to the kitchen slowly. I didn't mean to call her that, i just was thinking about my mothers not to long ago. My mama and my papa both of them. I miss them so much, everytime i think about them i think i wish it was me who that man had killed. If it wasn't for me my parents would still be alive and well....and happy. ' im sorry mama..im sorry papa.'. I felt tears prick my eyes, i couldn't help it. ' i need to see them. I want to see them. Not in those nightmares in a happy dream...or maybe see their ghosts....i want them back'. Looking around the kitchen i noticed i was the only one in here..with..the knifes.

Pulling a chair over to the counter i reached for the closest knife and pulled it out looking down at it. I touched the blade with my free hand and thought. ' its sharp...can it break skin? Of course it can all knifes can. If so...then i can...end it. I can see my parents again. ( again for a four year old she sure knows a lot) my mama and my papa. They'll be happy! We can be a family again!'. Checking around once more i slowly put the knife into my shirt and ran back to the stairs. I almost bumped in to sans but when i saw him coming down the steps i ducked behind one of the living room chairs and waited for him to pass. Peeking out i saw him walk in to the kitchen. 'This is my chance'. I stood up from my spot and ran up the stairs and in to the bathroom. Locking the door i stood on the step up stoll and looked down at the knife again. Thoughts were coming back again. ' do it...do it...you can see them again...do it...remember what papa had said not to do..because it could kill you...you can see them just do it..do it..'. Tears fell down my face as i began to sob a little. ' just do it!' i held the knife to my wrist. ' cut...it...deep'. At this point k was shaking. ' what about sans...and papyrus? How would they feel if they found me dead?'.

* knock knock knock*

I jumped a bit when i heard knocking on the bathroom door.thus leading to the knife slipping and making a cut on my wrist. I hissed in pain as i felt a slight pain in my wrist. I had done it. My wrist was slit and i was bleeding, it wasn't deep enough though, i have to make it deeper, but something inside me screamed at me.  ' hide it hide it hide it'. I panicked. ' hide it hide it'. Looking around frantically i searched for a place to hide the knife. But before i could i heard the door unlock and in slow motion sans walked in. " Molly sweetie i just wanted to--". Silence rang like a siren on the air. i was so dead. Here i was standing on my step up stool with a bloody wrist, a knife in hand and tears rolling down my face. I thought sans was going to yell​ but he just walked in all the way and closed the door behind him. I got scared and dropped the knife backing away from him.

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