~ chapter 8 ~

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Third pov

Molly slowly opened her eyes as she felt the car come to a stop. They must have gotten to the beach finally. Sitting more in her car seat she stretched out her back while yawing and rubbing her eyes in the process. " morning sleeping beauty ". She hears sans snicker at her, she looked up at him and smiled but it soon faded away when she noticed both sans and papyrus were turned around in their seats trying to hold back their laughter. Confused on what was so funny molly went to ask what it was that cracked them up so bad sans burst in to a fit of laughter. " Oh My God! I Can't Hold It In Anymore!". Still having no idea molly tilted her head towards papyrus who held his laughter back more and pointed to his head. " M...MOLLY DEAR.....HEHE..YOUR HAIR?".

" my hair? "

Papyrus nodded, he leaned forward with his phone in his hand. Molly looked at her reflection and almost immediately went out in a full blush. Her hair was sticking all over the place, apparently in San's words she fidgets in her sleep when ever she is dreaming. So as she was sleeping in the car she must have fidgeted so much it caused an electrical reaction from the seat to her hair.

Molly hid her face in embarrassment, she had never been so humiliated in her whole life. Tears began to form in her eyes as the two laughing duo kept on with their joy not even knowing molly had tears in her eyes. They kept laughing....all until....

" eh....eh....AHHHHHHH"

Molly burt in to tears. Both freaked out sans immediately jumped out of the car but tripped over the seat belt causing him to fall face first in to the ground. Papyrus on the other hand made it out of the car, pulled open molly's door, unlocked her from her seat and embraced her in a tight bear hug all while he soothingly petted her head. " Shhhhh, Molly Dear We're Sorry For Laughing..."

" we weren't makin fun of ya kid" sans explained as he made it over to them after he got off the ground.
Molly sniffled as she wiped away some tears. She buried her face in to paps shoulder.

" t....then why were you laughing at me?"

" Molly Sweetie, We Were Laughing Because You Looked So Goofy With Your Hair The Way It Was."

" it was a cute goofy, we got pictures of you when you were asleep, their absolutely adorable"

Molly sniffed one last time before she fully calmed down a bit. She had to admit she did kind of overreact when they started laughing, she really did look goofy with electric hair. She giggled softly as she wrapped her tiny limbs around papyrus's neck. " y..yeah, i guess i did look kinda funny.".

They looked at her a second then laughed a bit more before they unpacked the car and made their way down to the beach. Molly's eyes sparkled at the sight she saw. A bright blue sky, yellowish white sand on the ground. But the most beautiful thing about the beach that she loved so much was the water. It was a deep, clear blue. Literally! You could see right through it! And the best part about it, no body else was around, so she and the boys had the beach all to them selves.

Molly couldn't wait any longer, as soon as they found a spot to set the blanket she took off her flip flops and made a straight bee-line for the water. She only made it half-way before she heard a ping. Then and there she had no control over her body, she knew why too, so she pouted and crossed her arms over her chest as she floated across the sand and back on the blanket again. A hand ruffled her hair along with a deep, hearty chuckle. " don't you pout at me young thing, you need sun screen before you go any where.". At the moment she really didn't care if she had sun screen or not, she just wanted to go in to the water. She struggled a little as she felt the cold sensation get pressed in to her back. " u..uge..its s..so cold and gooey!". Another chuckle then the feeling went over her shoulders, arms, legs, feet, just about everywhere on her body. All that's left was her face that she knew she wasn't going to enjoy so she tried this excuse. " but won't it burn me?".

" it what helps prevent the burn not cause them, come here your not done". Sans scolded grabbing her hand and pulling her back on the blanket. He dripped more sunscreen in to his boney hands then applied the substance to her cheeks, he then moved his hands in circular motions. Her cheeks squished in his hands made her look like a chipmunk. Sans couldn't help but chuckle. " awe! Look at the little chipmunk!".

Molly only stuck her tongue out at him making him raise a non-existing eyebrow. " oh? Is molly picking up attitude from the big city kids at school?". " I THINK SO BROTHER!". the two boys joked. Molly giggled as she tackled sans to the ground while giving him a huge bear hug.

" you guys are silly!"

" not as silly as you!".

Molly giggled a bit as she stood up to her feet. Her gaze immediately went for the water, she had been waiting so long and patiently to just run out there and splash around in the water. Of course before she left she looked over at sans for his approval, he nodded his head in response. " go on ahead, just be careful ok? Don't want you to get hurt!". Molly smiled then with out hesitation she took off running towards the water. She was almost in before she tripped over her own feet and fell face first on the sand. " OH MY GOSH! MOLLY ARE YOU ALRIGHT!". molly sat up in the sand. while she  was dusting herself off she saw sans and papyrus running up to her with worry written on their faces. " Geez kid, took a pretty big fall their huh?". molly  smiled up at them then stood to her feet. " no, i'm ok i just lost my footing.". " WELL AT LEAST YOUR OK, I DON'T WANT YOU HURT"

 she giggled a bit before she grabbed papy's hand and dragging him to the water. she stopped a little bit in fear, papy noticed her looking at the water. " IS SOMETHING WRONG?" " i....i never been in the ocean before, will it hurt me?" he chuckled before he knelt down to her height, he softly gripped on to molly's shoulders and looked her right in the eyes.  " No Sweetheart, It's Just Like Taking A Big Bath". " really?" He smiled at her then nodded. He took her hand then they slowly made their way in to the water. molly was still a bit unsure on that but when the water touched her small feet she began to giggle a little. " i...it tickles". " Does It Now?". molly giggled more as the water rose to her knee's. "alright i think that's far enough sweetie, don't want you washing away" she heard sans reply from behind her. She gave out a soft sigh as the water flushed back and forth against her legs. It's cool feeling relaxing every nerve in her body. the last time she had felt something like this was when she was a bit younger, although she can barely remember it still reminded her of some sort of memory she had once had. It made her feel....warm inside.

After a long day at the beach, an adventure filled with laughter, excitement and love. Must she admit it she was feeling kind of sleepy, she did of course have a good day but she really wanted to leave the moment the three of them stepped out of the water. rubbing her eyes with a little yawn she slowly became more and more tired. so tired to the fact that papyrus had to carry her all the way back to the car and back in her car seat. " heh, tired?" molly on nodded, she felt a hand rub her forehead softly as the hum of the cars engine rang through out the car. "don't worry sweet heart" she heard sans whisper.

" we'll be home soon" 

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