~ chapter 9 ~

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molly's pov

Years have past as i finally became an...well almost an adult. my birthday is coming pretty soon. in about a month or so. any way as i grew up my bond between sans and i became pretty strong, all during the years i slowly began to have a crush on the short skeleton. well he's still technically he's like an inch taller then me but that doesn't stop me from liking him. This year i am the year of 17, next month is when my birthday comes up so i won't be 17 any more i'll be 18. plus that's the day i lost my parents and the anniversary on where i first met sans and papyrus. we are of course going to grillby's for my birthday. i let out a soft sigh as i pulled my hair in to pigtails. i don't know why but i always liked my hair up in pigtails, sans say they make me look cute i kinda have to agree with him, but that's only because i like him more then a older brother figure. i have slipped a few times with paps. i almost called him ' papa' the other day. guess it was still a habit of mine i really couldn't get over, but that was like when i was about 5 or 6 years old so i kinda have to admit i was pretty young. oh school wise i quit my freshman year of high school because one i never really needed school, and two to many bullies pushed me around enough to where i got in to a lot of fights with them, totally not my fault.sans was pretty upset for the fact that he went up to the school several times for the conferences multiple time's.  he wasn't mad at me of course, i never really told him about it before hand about the teasing but when i finally cracked on a specific day of my life. 


" so remember class tomorrow is our international school talent show! so for the ones that are part of the show to always practice hard for this day!" my teacher cried out happily. everyone replied back with a: " yes ma'am" then went back to talking to each other. i on the other hand was working on a drawing i was making for sans and papyrus, all until a dark shadow blocked my light. when i looked up there stood the girl i hated so freakin much. Tiffiny. ( sorry if that's your name). she had started the teasing every since elementary school. she has long black hair, green eyes, and dressed up like some sort of snoppy super model. i never knew why she hated me so much. i never did any thing to her. ' im annoying' she says. ' i'm in the way all the time'. bitch! stupid excuses. she pursed her lips at me while crossing her arms. " you know we're not suppose to be drawing molly! especially during class." i sighed. I pushed my glasses up on to my nose. school was over but i just wanted a little more time to my self before i left but obviously that was a problem for her. i packed up all of my drawing utensils and all of my school work then turned around to walk away, only to have her grip my shoulder and jerk me back around. " i'm not done talking to you freak! who said you could walk away from me!". " uhh the bell that signs people school is over that's who and you know tiffiny, i'm sick and tired of you teasing me and calling me names! leave me alone!". then out of no where i felt a sharp pain in the side of my cheek. shocked by the sudden hit i looked up at tiffiny who had her hand reared back for another hit. " Don't You Ever Talk To Me Like That Again." my head dipped down. she flipped her head while taking out her lipstick. " you know why i call you a freak? because i know you don't have a mommy or a daddy. you have monsters as your parents and thats freaky. monsters should have monster kids and humans should have human kids. you and you monster family so you call it is nothing but a joke and you should know that your going to die alone" she laughed once before she turned away. nothing but silence was heard all before i literally dropped my bag and pounced on her. i repeatedly  started to hit her. over and over again i threw hard punches at her. " some one stop her!" 

" get the teacher!" 

" molly! molly dear stop!"

i felt tears fall down my cheeks, i kept hitting her until i felt a pair of arms take me off of her. they carried me out of the room, i was kicking and screaming at her. " I HATE YOU! CALL ME A FREAK! AND MY FAMILY A JOKE! I DARE YOU TO SAY THAT WHEN THEY REALLY ARE AROUND!" the teachers that pulled me out of that classroom surrounded me. " molly calm down it's over it's done". i wiped the tears off my face and sniffed. " w....where's sans...i want sans he said he was picking me up". one of the teachers nodded slightly then disappeared out the front door. not to long after both sans and papyrus burst through the door, worry written on their faces once again. " Guys!" i shot up out of my seat and tackled them in a hug, they both returned the hug tightly. " OH MOLLY DEAR WE HEARD WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" " yeah kid, are you...ok? you have to of had a good reason for hurting this girl." i kept silent for a bit. " i.....i want to talk about it in the car...or at home..not here" sans shook his head. " no, you need to tell us now so that we can talk to the school about it". " i...i...tiffiny has been teasing ever since elementary school and she said something really awful to me to where i just....i just finally snapped...and she hit me first so i was just..". " protecting yourself". sans finished. he sighed and rubbed his head slightly. " maybe....maybe we should take her out of school...try homeschooling" my heart skipped a beat i literally hugged him around his neck and begged him." n..no please don't i..i don't want to leave my school. i love my school and i have friends here please don't-". " molly. i don't want this to happen again, if this girl has been teasing you since you've been in the elementary grade you don't need to be around her. who knows she might try to have people jump you after school one day and you can seriously get hurt."

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