~ chapter 7 ~

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Molly's pov

The next day was so nerve racking, today is the day i was to be enrolled in school. Thank goodness it's a private school, i couldn't bear to think how a public school would see me as. A small young girl who lost her mother and father due to a greedy mafia thief, then was taken in by two other mafias but they were brothers plus monsters...and my big brothers.

I smiled sheeply at the thought. I just came up with that. My new big brothers. We may not be related but being the same isn't what family is about is it? Well,being blood related yes but,in the past few days had been with sans and paps. I grew attached to them like, they really are my older siblings. I sighed when i finally got done putting my school uniform. Looking in the mirror i examined my clothes, a normal plain dress that was a dark blue. It had a white collar with a red thin line going all around the middle. Three white little buttons, white knee high socks and black doll like shoes. Yes it was cute but i wish they added more color to it so it would be so blain. ' sheesh..can it be anymore boring?' i thought slumping to the floor.

Hearing a knock on my door i stood up from the floor and opened it up looking up at sans my oldest brother. He had his usual grin on his face and the same black suit he wore. Except he was wear a blue button up under the black jacket he was wearing,plus a blue tie. He kneeled down to my height and ruffled my hair a bit. "Ready to go sweetie?". I gave a little pout and shook my head only to have him chuckle and pick me up setting me on his hip. " c'mon you'll be alright. When ever you feel nervous just imagine who ever your talking to is one of us ok?". I gave a slight nod before he kissed my head and set down the stair case where at the bottom his brother *my second older brother* stood happily holding a small pink lunch box. He smiled at the sight and handed me the box. I got a better glimpse of it too. It was a bright pink with a bunch of rattles and teddy bears printed on it. I stared at it in awe as i reached my arms out to hug papyrus who happily took the gesture and basically squeezed me. He hummed and set me on my feet and took a hold of my hand. " SANS SHALL WE TAKE THE VAN OR THE CAR?". " why not let molly decide. Whadd'a ya say molly? Wanna ride in the van or the car?". "I wanna ride the motorcycle!" i said in a childish squeak. Sans chuckled and patted my head making me pout a little. "Sorry sweetheart,but both me and papyrus need to be there when we enroll you.". " oh...ok". I said a little disappointed while looking at the floor. Sans kneeled down and lifted my head and smiled. " hey,don't be upset. Tell ya what. After school today when you get back and changed we go for a trip to the beach? Sound like fun?". A little more confidence burst up and i nodded and tackled him in a hug. He laughed a bit before standing up and hugging me back. " now. How's about we get you to school ok?".

" ......."
" molly"
" o..ok"

" good. Now hold on one sec" he said reaching in to his pocket. He pulled out a white hanky then licked it a bit and gently wiped my cheek. I couldn't help but whine and pull away while grabbing his hand. "S..sans come on d..don't do that".
" hehe sorry kiddo,gotta make sure your clean"

I gave a slight pout before we both had our attentions ripped away due to the sound of a car engine roaring from outside the front door. " heh looks like paps got the car revved up. Let's get you to school ok.". I smiled and snuggled in to him as we walked out of the house and to the car. He set me down in my car seat then went over to the passenger side and got in. Papyrus turned around as we backed out of the driveway and drove down the rode to my new school.

~ time skip~
When we finally got to the school i became a little- no a lot more scared then before. I whimpered a little when sans and papyrus got out of the car. Sans reached in to take my seat belt off but i grabbed his hand and whined giving him puppy eyes. " hey kid what's wrong?". " i...im scared sans....w..what if the teachers or students hate me?". He pinched my cheek and cooed. " awee who could hate a cutie like you~". I blushed a little. "S..sans...w..we've been over this,i..im not cute im fearsome!". I exclaimed holding my hands in the air in a weird pose. Chuckling he undid my seat and picked me out of the car and set me down while taking my hand again. " don't worry sweetheart, you'll be ok.". Sans reassured me as we walked to the front of the school. When we walked in side i couldn't help but pull back a little on sans hand. " w..wait...s..sans..i..i forgot my-". He held up my bag. " right here sweetie and your lunchbox i put in you bookbag so your all set". He said with a bright smile. I still didn't move all until more kids came in and my shyness took over and i instantly took sans and papyrus's hands and ran basically dragging them away from them. " H..HEY SLOW DOWN MOLLY,I..I KNOW YOUR EXCITED BUT PLEASE CALM DOWN A LITTLE". I stopped and breathed a little. I held up my arms and bowed. " ta da.....w...w..we're here". 

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