~ Chapter 5~

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Molly's pov

Still hiding behind sans my head slowly peeked out from behind him to explore this new person...or people. Looking around for a bit my gaze landed on three figures. One taller then papyrus, one medium sized and a small figure, * note they were still taller then me*. The second tallest figure smiled down at me and came closer revealing what she looked like. It was a goat lady....she had white fur and a long slightly skin tight  purple dress that reached her ankles and a small fedora on her head. " why hello there small one.". She said sweetly as she bent down to my height. Clutching on to sans pant sleeve i smiled shyly and hid my face. A low chuckle emerged from behind her as a the tallest figure walked in along with the smallest. This one was a goat as well, except he was a man instead of a woman. Plus he had  a grayish type suit and his hair slick back with horns sticking out. The smallest figure was human like me, except i couldn't tell if they were a boy or a girl because of the clothes The cloths they had on. They had short brown hair and a suit that was a deep purple. Their eyes were closed....how can they see if their eyes are closed? Back on the subject the goat lady stood back up again as the other two came closer as well. " she's a bit timid isn't she?". " She sure is a cute human isn't she? What do you think frisk?". ' frisk' as they called them nodded their head as they pointed at me. Looking down at myself i remembered i was still in my bunny pj's. " y...yeah...i...i was about t...to sleep...a..after i ate diner". They smiled and nodded once more before doing a sign. " oh y...you speak sign language? My mama taught me how to read it.". ' really? That's awesome. Normally sans, mom and dad can understand me!'  " i have something to ask you". ' yes?'

" were you the girl who lived here before i came?". They smiled and gave me a slight hugs before signing to me again. " yes i am. Im frisk, what's your name"
" m..molly" " that's a cute name. Are you having fun with sans and pap?"

I smiled while looking up at the two. I was having fun, in fact i forgot i wasn't even away from home when i met them. They made it feel like i never really left home at the most. They have been taking really good care of me and im grateful that they are. I smiled up at them as i felt a pair of hands pick me up and set me on a pair of shoulders. Looking down at my capture i noticed it was sans of course.  I giggled and took off his hat before placing it on my head. It was a little droppy but it was still cool to wear. A Chuckle came from sans as he walked in to the living room with paps,the others not to far behind.

Before sitting down on the couch he set me down on the floor near my stuffed toys and dollies. He took the hat off my head though but i didn't mind, i had all sorts of cool stuff i can play with. Frisk sat down on front of me when paps and the other two went to the kitchen. " SANS WILL YOU WATCH THE CHILDREN PLEASE WHILE I SPEAK WITH LADY AND KING DREAMUR" ( i can't spell shit!). He nods as he smiled down at us. The other vanished in to the kitchen leaving me and frisk alone in a awkward silence with sans. Hugging on to my favorite bunny stuffie sans cleared his throat catching our attention. " shall we watch some tv girls". Smiling i looked at frisk as she smiled as well and we both looked up at him and nodded. " alright, let's see what cartoons they have playing now.". He turned the tv on and the channel was on a tv show called 'Steven universe'. " ooo ooo i like this! Can we watch this?". He chuckled and set the remote down on the sofa arm. " alright we can watch this if you like. But if you get board of this then we can see if anything else is on ok?". Replying with a 'mhm' me and frisk both layed down on our tummies and watch the tv screen. It was amazing i love this new show ( i really do like this show!so freaking good T^T) the characters ,the songs. It was cool.

Apparently it was a whole marathon of this show. Because ot went on for hours and hours, i didn't mind it though. Few hours later it was like 10 at night frisk and her mama and papa had already left while me and sans still sat in the living room watching the tv show. I began to feel a bit heavy though, i guess i was getting tired. Rubbing my eyes and yawning sans laughed a bit and sat up walking over to me and picking me up in his arms. " getting tired?". Yawning more i shook my head, i pointed to the tv and whined. " c...can't we see what happens to steven and his friends? I wanna see if he's ok".  He chuckled at me and rubbed my head softly smiling. " i know you do sweetheart but you need your rest. We have Netflix so when you wake up you can watch it all you like ok? And if it's not on Netflix". He picked up the tv remote and pressed a button. "I'll have the episode's recorded ok? Now lets get you to bed". I nodded and snuggled in to his chest while he brought me up the guest room again and gently set me in bed pulling the covers over my tired form. He kissed my forehead and petted me again. "I made a promise to your papa sweetie. I promised i will look after you, to protect you from harms way. I don't make promises much...but if it involves protecting my family...i'll keep it. You can count on that sweetheart". I smiled and held his hand before he kissed my head again and walking out of the room turning the light off. " good night molly".

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