Chapter 5-Eric's soul mate

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I believe you people kinda bored that I continued Olivia's pov; so now,here comes Eric's point of view for you,Vote & comment me please. 

Eric's pov 

After school I felt kinda off,so I headed to the woods to have some alone time. I love company of my pack brothers but some shades of life are seen in loneliness only. I'm okay ,just one thing is bothering me......when I first saw Olivia I felt she is my mate,but she showed no sign of it. May be it's slip of my mind; but what about those sparks?? I still believe I felt some electricity when I mistakenly touched her.

When I told it to Sam,a retired werewolf,he said just go for it,but our pack alpha forbade me.My mom discouraged me also; still I don't  know  she is werebird or not.Through her smell,voice,eyes I thought she could be a werebird.

I don't know why people bother so much about all these. I say,"Werewolf, Werecat, Weretiger or Werebird.....but still human" !!

I was roaming aimlessly,adventitiously I saw Olivia and she was hidden behind a tree; then I saw she kept her dress on a lower God..what is she trying to do?? most probably she didn't see me.

And then a marvelous,dazzling,colorful macaw  hypnotized me. It came out from behind the tree.

But it's frolic suddenly withered when it saw me.Poor bird doesn't know I'm not hunter,won't prey it.But is it really a mere bird? if not? where is Olivia? her dress is still there.

After hesitating a few moments I looked straight into it's eyes.......Oh no !! the very green eyes with tints of red !! same as Olivia !!

I took balance of my courage & smilingly said, "I saw can talk to me".

She felt horror in my voice which I hated. She took time deciding it's needed to talk to me or not...still I'm not sure she is really Olly or not.

But she answered," are here?". Thank God,it's Olivia !!

"Yeah, I'm here to enjoy the cool breeze,what led you here?" I asked.

"Eric I'm werebird, forest is my real home",she answered but her voice was trembling as if she is still thinking of any damage from me.

"Baby, I won't do any harm, I'm your soul mate", I don't know how I told it ,I'm not supposed to say it. I felt enthralled saying this; why I had to say this,she may feel more irritated now.

"You are......what??",she asked but by her tone I knew she already knows what soul mate is.

"I know you heard about it.Now phase into that very  sweet girl,so that we can converse better" I replied.

"NOooo, you can't be my soul mate, you are werewolf for God's sake, I am werebird.....mating is forbidden", her words dis heartened me once again.But I felt agony, monotony in her voice.

"What is your problem baby? it's not middle age,nothing is forbidden. Affinity is life string of love,not origin",I had to sat these to convince her. But she is pretty aback  hearing that messy boy saying too much.

We kept silence for a while,the cool breeze, twittering of other birds covered the voidness.

I again pleaded," Please,phase baby,I will turn around & close my eyes; be human,wear clothes, so that we can talk more easily".

She said,"Okay".


We eventually sat under a tree side by side; she is in hesitating mode as if what's happening is not good.

"Since when you knew you are werebird?", I asked.

"When I phased for first time at 13,before this mom didn't say a single word about this"

"Really? I phased at 10,and my dad told my everything when I was only 9"

"You are lucky", she smiled,there is a little envy in this smile.

"Would I ask you a personal question?", I asked feebly .

She sighed,"Shoot".

"Something is bothering you, you are not the same jovial girl I saw eirst day in school; what is disturbing you?"

"My sorrow is imperceptible ,hard to understand, in fact it can lead you to danger",she said in void tone.

"You can unfold it to me", I assured.

"It's not right place to tell, I'll say you later",saying this she started to run, but I caught her in my arms.

"Please leave me, I saw black bird it the morning,it's obnoxious sign !! it thwarts all efforts of us,so today is not correct day to say or do anything crucial", saying this she quickly walked away & I didn't stop her.

Wings of Affinity (Werebird x Werewolf)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant